• alert: A notification of a threshold crossed or met.

  • annotation: A note applied to or associated with a point in time, such as a timestamp on a chart.

  • API key: The mPulse API key uniquely identifies your mPulse application. It can be found in the mPulse UI, under the General tab of the Configure Web App dialog. It is not a private key and it's visible in your website.

  • app: The mPulse configuration used to get performance data from your website or native application into mPulse for data analysis.

  • beacon: An invisible network request (HTTP or HTTPS) that contains a mass of performance data and other page-load characteristics. All of this factual information is sitting in the beacon as either HTTP headers or as part of the request's query string. In the web performance community, a beacon is commonly called RUM or real user measurement data.

  • custom dimension: In mPulse, any non-performance data about your visitors that help to categorize page views into useful segments for analysis.

  • custom metric: In mPulse, any measurable user-defined, value that refers to a business goal, or key performance indicator (KPI) such as revenue, conversion, order per minute or order count.

  • custom timer: In mPulse, any measurable user-defined, value in a web page such as page load, back-end time or front-end time.

  • domain name: The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) used to identify the server (domain) hosting your site or service, for example, example.com or example.edgesuite.net.

  • object: An mPulse repository object such as a domain, tenant, or user.

  • tenant: A segregated area within an mPulse environment. You can think of it as a domain on a network. Tenants are not aware of each other.

  • token: Use a token to authenticate login credentials.