See the API's various operations for details on their request parameters and response data.
You can also run this API with a Postman collection.
Operation | Method | Endpoint |
Contracts | ||
List contract IDs | GET | /contracts |
EdgeWorkers customer log delivery | ||
List logging overrides | GET | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/loggings |
Create a new logging override | POST | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/loggings |
Get logging override status | GET | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/loggings/{loggingId} |
Groups | ||
List permission groups | GET | /groups |
Get a permission group | GET | /groups/{groupId} |
EdgeWorker IDs | ||
List EdgeWorker IDs | GET | /ids |
Create a new EdgeWorker ID | POST | /ids |
Delete an EdgeWorker ID | DELETE | /ids/{edgeWorkerId} |
Get an EdgeWorker ID | GET | /ids/{edgeWorkerId} |
Update an EdgeWorker ID | PUT | /ids/{edgeWorkerId} |
List activations | GET | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/activations |
Activate an EdgeWorker version | POST | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/activations |
Roll back to the previous active EdgeWorker version | POST | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/activations/rollback |
Cancel an activation | DELETE | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/activations/{activationId} |
Get an activation | GET | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/activations/{activationId} |
Clone an EdgeWorker ID | POST | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/clone |
List deactivations | GET | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/deactivations |
Deactivate an EdgeWorker version | POST | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/deactivations |
Get a deactivation | GET | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/deactivations/{deactivationId} |
List properties | GET | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/properties |
Get the resource tier | GET | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/resource-tier |
List revisions | GET | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/revisions |
List revision activations | GET | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/revisions/activations |
Activate a fallback revision | POST | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/revisions/activations |
Get a revision | GET | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/revisions/{revisionId} |
Get a revision BOM | GET | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/revisions/{revisionId}/bom |
Compare revisions | POST | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/revisions/{revisionId}/compare |
Download the combined code bundle | GET | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/revisions/{revisionId}/content |
Pin an active revision | POST | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/revisions/{revisionId}/pin |
Unpin an active revision | POST | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/revisions/{revisionId}/unpin |
List versions | GET | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/versions |
Create a new version | POST | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/versions |
Delete version | DELETE | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/versions/{version} |
Get version details | GET | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/versions/{version} |
Download an EdgeWorkers code bundle | GET | /ids/{edgeWorkerId}/versions/{version}/content |
Limits | ||
List limits | GET | /limits |
Reports | ||
List reports | GET | /reports |
Get an EdgeWorker report | GET | /reports/{reportId} |
Resource tiers | ||
List resource tiers | GET | /resource-tiers |
Secure Token | ||
Create a secure token | POST | /secure-token |
Deprecated Get a secure token | GET | /secure-token/{propertyId} |
Validations | ||
Validate an EdgeWorkers code bundle | POST | /validations |