Initialize the EdgeKV database
The first step is to initialize your EdgeKV database which creates a default
namespace with a six-month retention period for your account. It also creates a new dedicated CP Code to track your EdgeKV usage.
The retention period of the database can be changed at your discretion. For more information see, Update namespace details .
You should only use the default
namespace for experimentation and testing purposes. When deploying your EdgeKV database in production, please use a new namespace with a different name.
The role associated with the API client used to initialize the EdgeKV database must include the following permissions:
- CP Code - View CP Code Information
- CP Code - Edit CP Code Information
- Edit Access to Property Manager
The above permissions are assigned by default to the “Admin” role. If you do not have this role, or another role with the above permissions, you will not be able to initialize the database.
You also need to use the top level group for your Control Center account for the API client or CLI credentials. These requirements only apply the initialization step.
For more information, refer to the Identity and Access Management documentation.
You should get a 201 response status code if your initialization operation is successful. If you do not, please refer to Why is the initialization command failing? in the FAQ section for more information.
- Initialize your EdgeKV database using the
verb on the initialize endpoint:
PUT /edgekv/v1/initialize
- Here is a sample request.
$ http --auth-type edgegrid -a default: PUT :/edgekv/v1/initialize
- To check the current initialization status you can use the
verb on the initialize endpoint:
GET /edgekv/v1/initialize
- Here is an example of the response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"accountStatus": "INITIALIZED",
"cpcode": "123456",
"productionStatus": "INITIALIZED",
"stagingStatus": "INITIALIZED"
You will not be able to invoke other APIs or use your EdgeKV database until the initialization has completed successfully.
Updated about 2 years ago