Test Center imposes these limits:

max.requests.per.min.exceeded60Maximum number of test requests per minute. The limit resets at the start of the next minute.
max.associations.exceeded100 or 3000The maximum number of functional test cases per stateful test suite is 100. The maximum number of functional test cases per non-stateful test suite is 3000.
tags.per.test.request.max.limit.exceeded50Maximum number of tags per test request.
max.test.suites.per.test.run.exceeded20Maximum number of test suites per test run.
max.test.cases.per.test.run.exceeded6150Maximum number of test cases per test run.
test.request.client.profile.limit.exceeded1250Maximum number of unique combinations of test requests and client profiles in test cases included in a stateful test suite.
max.test.objects.per.test.run1250Maximum number of unique combinations of test requests and client profiles in a test run. One comparative test case is counted as one unique combination. For stateful test suites, the number of combinations is the number of test cases included in the test suite. For non-stateful test suites, the number of combinations is the number of groups of test cases grouped by test requests and conditions.