This section provides details on the data object that reflects the API's common response to error cases, and lists the API's range of response status codes for both error and success cases.

To facilitate issue investigation and troubleshooting, make all the data returned in case of a failed response (which is any HTTP error code other than 200 OK) accessible to the SIEM administrator and users. When creating your SIEM connector, show error messages, relevant server IPs, and so on. At the very least, show the error code and error message in your connector user interface.

If an error occurs, this API responds with JSON objects that provide information you can use to debug the problem. Here's a sample rate-limiting error response:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Too many requests",
  "instance": ";GWJY-imjtGH-XXXXXXXXXX",
  "detail": "Too many requests made from clients of this account",
  "method": "GET",
  "serverIp": "",
  "clientIp": "",
  "requestId": "2eebd8",
  "requestTime": "2015-08-21T18:11:34Z"

For details on information contained in the error responses, refer to Error response syntax.