View traffic reports

Real-time monitoring and historical reporting can help you evaluate and maintain application effectiveness and performance, and analyze website traffic patterns.

​Akamai Control Center​'s reporting system obtains information from traffic logs produced by thousands of Akamai EdgeServers. These traffic logs record requests and responses for content delivered over the ​Akamai​ Intelligent Platform. The logs are captured, processed, and loaded into the ​Akamai Technologies, Inc.​ Network Usage Database throughout the day. Once the data is loaded, customers can view reports instantly online, or they can schedule them to be automatically emailed in the format and at the frequency they define.

Real-time monitoring leverages separate, faster, but less granular data than historical reporting.

Two reports are available: IP Accelerator Traffic and IP Accelerator Traffic Blocked.

To view an IP Accelerator traffic report:

  1. Log in to ​​Akamai Control Center​​, then navigate to ☰ > COMMON SERVICES > Traffic Reports.
  2. Select the report you wish to view from the Report dropdown list: IP Accelerator Traffic or IP Accelerator Traffic Blocked.
  3. In the left pane under "select filters", select the CP codes to include in the report, then click Apply.


Additional Information about traffic reports

For general information about ​Akamai​ reports see How to use reports. To learn more about IP Accelerator traffic reports, see Web and mobile optimization in the Reporting guide.