To understand this API's various URL resources and the data they exchange, you need to familiarize yourself with these concepts:

  • Templates specify the kind of information necessary to configure different types of alert. Think of these as classes of alert that define what can kind of information can be monitored.

  • Alerts, also known as definitions, are alert instances based on a template and configured to respond to a specific set of criteria. Alert definitions specify when the alert should fire, and who receives the notification. Criteria can be either static, involving fixed values, or adaptive, based on a dynamic predictive modeling of your web traffic patterns.

  • Summaries and details offer alternatively brief and verbose information about an alert.

  • Firings are periods of time when observed traffic meets an alert's specified criteria, and include details on why the alert triggered.

  • Suppressions specify known anomalous periods of time to ignore when dynamically modeling your traffic, to avoid training alerts on an unrepresentative set of data.

  • Activities track changes to adaptive alert criteria over time, allowing you to compare when firings occurred to when changes were made to firing criteria.

  • Access control data is information dynamically available at run-time for use in configuring alerts.

  • Sparklines are reports that overlay data for alert firings over a range of time.

  • Schema allow you to validate the contents of any of the other JSON objects the API exchanges. All schemas adhere to draft 4 of the JSON Schema standard.

  • Various availability checks confirm the services on which alerts depend are operating smoothly.