Jan 7, 2025 — New alerts available
Now you can manage the following new alerts:
Jan 4, 2022 — New Alerts documentation experience
We've redesigned the documentation experience for Alerts to make it easier for you to find the guides, API docs, and resources you need. Everything is now in one place. Visit the Welcome page for a toolkit of Alerts resources.
Mar 19, 2019 — Alerts now supports assigning alerts to specific groups
With the latest release of the Alerts applications, users can create alerts within a specific group in Control Center. This allows customers with complex organizational setups to segment alerts based on the needs of their business. When creating a new alert configuration or editing an existing one, customers with multiple groups will need to select one in which to place the alert. Only one group may be selected. Existing alert configurations will continue to be aligned with the top-level group or contract unless moved.
Sep 1, 2016 — Alerts has been redesigned to improve the overall user experience and usability
An all-new simplified UI is easier to navigate and understand.
A unified My Alerts homepage shows currently active, recently active, and configured alerts.
The Create Alert wizard simplifies setting up new alert configurations.
You can easily edit an existing alert configuration from the My Alerts homepage.
You can configure notifications for email or text message.