


Create, update, or delete an include and its rule tree.

  • To use non-declarative includes without behaviors, your rules and includes can use any supported rule format version as long as both your rules and includes are the same version.
  • To use declarative includes with behaviors, your rules and includes must use a rule format no earlier than v2023-01-05. For information on updating to a later version, see Update rule format.
  • To delete an include, run terraform destroy.
resource "akamai_property_include" "my_example" {
    contract_id = "ctr_C-0N7RAC7"
    group_id    = "grp_12345"
    product_id  = "prd_Object_Delivery"
    name        = "my new include"
    rule_format = "v2023-05-30"
    type        = "MICROSERVICES"
    rules       = file("${path.root}/property-snippets/main.json")


Send your account IDs, a name for your include, and the rule format it follows in the declaration.

contract_id✔️Your contract's ID.
group_id✔️Your group's ID.
product_id✔️Your product ID to include the prd_ prefix. See Common identifiers for a list of product IDs.
name✔️A human-readable, descriptive name for your include.
rule_format✔️A versioned rule schema and set of available behaviors and criteria. If not provided, we apply the latest rule format by default.
rulesThe location of your rules. Use the path to a local file or a variable that represents the output of the Rules builder or Rules template data source.
typeSpecifies the type of include. Used for filtering. One of:
  • MICROSERVICES. Allows different teams to work independently on different parts of a single site.
  • COMMON_SETTINGS. Use for configurations that share a large number of settings, often managed by a central team.


Setting an output option returns to you a computed set about your include that contains its ID among other details.

idYour include's ID.
nameA human-readable, descriptive name for your include.
rule_formatYour include's versioned rule schema.
rulesThe location of your include's JSON formatted rules. Use the path to a local file or a variable that represents the output of the [rules builder(doc:rules-builder) or rules-template data source.
rule_errorsAny rule validation errors. You need to resolve returned errors as they block an activation. For more on errors, see Validation errors
rule_warningsAny rule validation warnings. You can activate a version that yields less severe warnings.
latest_versionThe most recent version of the include.
staging_versionThe include version currently activated on the staging network.
production_versionThe include version currently activated on the production network.
typeYour include's type.