
Grantable roles


Get all the available roles to grant to your users that you can include in a new custom role or add to an existing custom role.

data "akamai_iam_grantable_roles" "my_grantable_roles" { } output "my_grantable_roles" { value = data.akamai_iam_grantable_roles.my_grantable_roles }
Changes to Outputs: + my_grantable_roles = { + grantable_roles = [ + { + description = "SU scheduled reports" + granted_role_id = 123456 + name = "Scheduled report su" }, + { + description = "View and edit policies, but no activation ability. You must have Property Manager edit or read permissions to access the Script Management tool." + granted_role_id = 987654 + name = "Script Management - Edit" }, ] + id = "akamai_iam_grantable_roles" }


This data source is passed empty. The config_section argument in the Akamai provider block of your Terraform configuration provides the necessary information.


Returned to you is a grantable_roles set with a list of grantable roles available to you and their high-level details.

granted_role_idThe grantable role's ID.
nameThe grantable role's name.
descriptionThe grantable role's description.

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