Bot detection action
Modifies the action assigned to a bot detection method.
terraform {
required_providers {
akamai = {
source = "akamai/akamai"
provider "akamai" {
edgerc = "~/.edgerc"
data "akamai_appsec_configuration" "configuration" {
name = "Documentation"
resource "akamai_botman_bot_detection_action" "bot_detection_action" {
config_id = data.akamai_appsec_configuration.configuration.config_id
security_policy_id = "gms1_134637"
detection_id = "65cd1c42-d8e9-42af-9f78-153cfdd92443"
bot_detection_action = file("${path.module}/action.json")
Argument reference
This resource supports the following arguments:
(Required). Unique identifier of the security configuration associated with the bot detection method.security_policy_id
(Required). Unique identifier of the security policy associated with the bot detection method.detection_id
(Required). Unique identifier of the bot detection method being updated.bot_detection_action
(Required). JSON file containing the action taken when the bot detection method is triggered. Use the Bot Manager API or Bot Manager in Akamai Control Center to create a configuration. Then, export your configuration or use the corresponding data source to get the JSON file.
Updated 2 months ago