


Get a given property's hostnames and certificate statuses.


To view Enhanced TLS hostnames, you need at least Secure Site Delivery CNAMEs - View only access.

Use the roles data source to determine your access level.

data "akamai_property_hostnames" "my-property-hostnames" {
  group_id    = "12345"
  contract_id = "C-0N7RAC7"
  property_id = "12345"
  version     = 1

output "my-property-hostnames" {
  value =
+ my-property-hostnames = {
      + contract_id = "C-0N7RAC7"
      + group_id    = "12345"
      + hostnames   = [
          + {
              + cert_provisioning_type = "DEFAULT"
              + cert_status            = [
                  + {
                      + hostname          = ""
                      + production_status = "ACTIVE"
                      + staging_status    = "ACTIVE"
                      + target            = ""
              + cname_from             = ""
              + cname_to               = ""
              + cname_type             = "EDGE_HOSTNAME"
              + edge_hostname_id       = "ehn_12345"
      + id          = "prp_123451"
      + property_id = "prp_12345"
      + version     = 1


Send your contract, group, and property IDs in the declaration to get hostname information.

contract_id✔️Your contract's ID.
group_id✔️Your group's ID.
property_id✔️Your property's ID.
versionYour property's version number. If no value is passed, the information returned is from the latest version.


Returned to you is a computed set with details of your property's hostnames.

Attribute Description
contract_id The contract's ID.
group_id The group's ID.
id The resource's ID, consisting of the property's ID and the property's version number.
property_id The property's ID.
version The property's version number.
hostnames A set of your property's hostnames.
  • cert_provisioning_type. A certificate's provisioning type. Either CPS_MANAGED for custom provisioned certificates or DEFAULT for automatically provisioned certificates.
    Note: If the value is DEFAULT and the value for either the production or staging status is PENDING, EXPIRING_SOON_NEEDS_VALIDATION, or EXPIRED_NEEDS_VALIDATION, perform domain validation to prove you control the domain.
  • cert_status. A certificate's status details.
    • hostname. The hostname CNAME record used to validate a certificate's domain.
    • production_status. The certificate's deployment status on the production network.
    • staging_status. The certificate's deployment status on the staging network.
    • target. The destination CNAME record used to validate a certificate's domain.
  • cname_from. A hostname's origin.
  • cname_to. The edge hostname you point the property hostname to so that you can start serving traffic through Akamai servers.
  • cname_type. A hostname's CNAME type. Supports only the EDGE_HOSTNAME value.
  • edge_hostname_id. An edge hostname's ID, including the ehn_ prefix.