Rules builder
Build your property rules, includes, behaviors, and criteria into a single set of rules or a rules file. A list of all behaviors and criteria can be found in the reference section.
// Your default rule information
data "akamai_property_rules_builder" "my_default_rule" {
rules_v2023_01_05 {
name = "default"
is_secure = false
comments = <<-EOT
The behaviors in the default rule apply to all requests for the property hostnames unless another rule overrides these settings.
behavior {
origin {
origin_type = "CUSTOMER"
hostname = ""
forward_host_header = "ORIGIN_HOSTNAME"
cache_key_hostname = "REQUEST_HOST_HEADER"
compress = true
enable_true_client_ip = false
http_port = 80
behavior {
cp_code {
value {
id = 12345
name = "main site"
children = [
// Your child rule information
data "akamai_property_rules_builder" "compress_text_content" {
rules_v2023_01_05 {
name = "Compress Text Content"
behavior {
gzipResponse {
behavior = "ALWAYS"
criterion {
contentType {
matchOperator = "IS_ONE_OF"
matchWildcard = true
matchCaseSensitive = false
values = ["text/html*", "text/css*", "application/x-javascript*"]
output "my_default_rule" {
value = data.akamai_property_rules_builder.my_default_rule
Changes to Outputs:
+ my_default_rule = jsonencode(
+ rules = {
+ behaviors = [
+ {
+ name = "origin"
+ options = {
+ cacheKeyHostname = "REQUEST_HOST_HEADER"
+ compress = true
+ enableTrueClientIp = false
+ forwardHostHeader = "ORIGIN_HOSTNAME"
+ hostname = ""
+ httpPort = 80
+ originType = "CUSTOMER"
+ {
+ name = "cpCode"
+ options = {
+ value = {
+ id = 12345
+ name = "main site"
+ children = [
+ {
+ behaviors = [
+ {
+ name = "gzipResponse"
+ options = {
+ behavior = "ALWAYS"
+ criteria = [
+ {
+ name = "contentType"
+ options = {
+ matchCaseSensitive = false
+ matchOperator = "IS_ONE_OF"
+ matchWildcard = true
+ values = [
+ "text/html*",
+ "text/css*",
+ "application/x-javascript*",
+ name = "Compress Text Content"
+ options = {}
+ comments = <<-EOT
The behaviors in the default rule apply to all requests for the property hostname(s) unless another rule overrides theses settings.
+ name = "default"
+ options = {}
// Uses Terraform resource local_file
resource "local_file" "rules" {
content = data.akamai_property_rules_builder.my_default_rule.json
filename = "./property-snippets/main.json"
// local
rules = data.akamai_property_rules_builder.my_default_rule
// reference file directly
rules = file("${path.root}/property-snippets/main.json")
Send your rule's name, rule format version, and any of the optional arguments that build out your rule's business case.
Argument | Required | Description |
name | ✔️ | The name of your rule. If you're sending the entire tree, this value is default . |
rule_format | ✔️ | The versioned schema that represents a valid rule tree. |
is_secure | Whether the default rule is secure.Not applicable for child rules. | |
behavior | A behavior for a rule. | |
variable | A list of variables for a rule.
| |
criterion | A match target for a rule. Not applicable for the default rule. | |
criteria_must_satisfy | Whether all criteria need to match or any .Not applicable for the default rule. | |
advanced_override | XML metadata of the rule. Not applicable for child rules. | |
custom_override | A rule's XML metadata.
Not applicable for child rules. | |
comments | Any comments for a rule. | |
uuid | The rule's UUID. | |
template_uuid | The rule template's UUID. | |
criteria_locked | Whether changes to criterion objects are prohibited.Not applicable for the default rule. | |
template_link | The rule's template link. |
For any output method you chose, returned to you is your full set of rules in the rule format you passed in the request.
Updated 30 days ago
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