Performance report
The SLA performance report shows how much faster content is served over our CDN compared to your origin. Each SLA performance measures the load time of a test object requested via two methods: one request directly to your origin (origin test) and one request over our content delivery network (CDN test). It compares these load times to determine performance.
The performance test is sent once every hour, so there are 24 measurements per day.
You're likely to have a separate performance report for each Web Experience you purchased with your service. Refer to a performance report’s heading to identify which SLA performance test configuration generated it.
Calculate actual performance
The performance reports plot each day’s average performance results on a graph expressed as a percentage improvement in load time. This indicates the actual performance improvement gained from using our CDN.
The data are calculated from the load times of the origin and CDN test pairs, like this:
(origin test) - (CDN test)
--------------------------- x 100% = actual performance
(CDN test)
For example, suppose the origin test time is 190 ms and the CDN test time is 100 ms. The actual performance improvement is 90%:
(190 ms) - (100 ms)
------------------- x 100% = 90%
(100 ms)
If you completed the Target Performance field in the SLA test configuration, the graph includes a horizontal line indicating this target performance improvement level. The target performance varies by region.
If you want to change the SLA region, edit your SLA test configurations and wait for fresh data to accumulate.
Interpret performance test results
To determine if performance might have been unsatisfactory, examine the graph for points where the actual performance line crosses below the target performance.
If a low performance data point is found:
- Hover over each data point that is below the target. A tooltip appears showing the average of all performance tests for that day.
- Make a note of the date and actual performance improvement for those data points.
- Request a refund for those dates.
Updated almost 2 years ago