API summary

API summary

See the API's various operations for details on their request parameters and response data:

You can also run this API with a Postman collection.

Run in Postman

IP verification
Verify an IPPOST/verify-edge-ip
IP network location
Locate an IP networkPOST/locate-ip
IP verification and location
Verify and locate an IPPOST/verify-locate-ip
User diagnostic data
List groupsGET/user-diagnostic-data/groups
Generate a diagnostic linkPOST/user-diagnostic-data/groups
Get diagnostic data of a groupGET/user-diagnostic-data/groups/{groupId}/records
Edge server locations
List available edge server locationsGET/edge-locations
GTM properties
List GTM propertiesGET/gtm/gtm-properties
List test and target IPs for a GTM hostnameGET/gtm/{property}/{domain}/gtm-property-ips
IPA hostnames
List IP acceleration hostnamesGET/ipa/hostnames
Error translator
Translate error stringPOST/error-translator
Get a translate error string responseGET/error-translator/requests/{requestId}
ARL translator
Translate an Akamaized URLPOST/translated-url
Metadata Tracer
Launch a metadata tracing requestPOST/metadata-tracer
Check a metadata tracing request statusGET/metadata-tracer/{requestId}
Error statistics
Get error statisticsPOST/estats
Request content with cURLPOST/curl
Get domain details with digPOST/dig
Test network connectivity with MTRPOST/mtr
Get specific logsGET/grep
Launch a GREP requestPOST/grep
Check a GREP request statusGREP/grep/requests/{requestId}
URL Health Check
Run the URL health checkPOST/url-health-check
Get a URL health check responseGET/url-health-check/requests/{requestId}
Connectivity problems
Run the Connectivity problems scenarioPOST/connectivity-problems
Get the Connectivity problems scenario responseGET/connectivity-problems/{requestId}
Content problems
Run the Content problems scenarioPOST/content-problems
Get the Content problems scenario responseGET/content-problems/{requestId}
ESI debugger
Get an ESI debugging reportPOST/esi-debugger-api/v1/debug