Include rules
Get an include's rule tree by searching across the contracts and groups you have access to.
data "akamai_property_include_rules" "my_include_rules" {
contract_id = "C-0N7RAC7"
group_id = "12345"
include_id = "1234"
version = 1
output "my_include_rules" {
value = data.akamai_property_include_rules.my_include_rules
Changes to Outputs:
+ my_include_rules = {
+ contract_id = "C-0N7RAC7"
+ group_id = "12345"
+ id = "1234:1"
+ include_id = "1234"
+ name = "my-new-include"
+ rule_errors = ""
+ rule_format = "v2023-05-30"
+ rule_warnings = ""
+ rules = jsonencode(
+ rules = {
+ behaviors = [
+ {
+ name = "restrictObjectCaching"
+ options = {
+ maximumSize = ""
+ {
+ name = "origin"
+ options = {
+ cacheKeyHostname = "ORIGIN_HOSTNAME"
+ compress = true
+ enableTrueClientIp = true
+ forwardHostHeader = "REQUEST_HOST_HEADER"
+ hostname = ""
+ httpPort = 80
+ httpsPort = 443
+ originCertificate = ""
+ originSni = true
+ originType = "CUSTOMER"
+ ports = ""
+ trueClientIpClientSetting = false
+ trueClientIpHeader = "True-Client-IP"
+ verificationMode = "PLATFORM_SETTINGS"
+ {
+ name = "cpCode"
+ options = {
+ value = {
+ createdDate = 1721911425000
+ description = "MyCPCode"
+ id = 123456
+ name = "My CP Code"
+ products = [
+ "Obj_Caching",
+ {
+ name = "caching"
+ options = {
+ behavior = "MAX_AGE"
+ mustRevalidate = false
+ ttl = "1d"
+ {
+ name = "removeVary"
+ options = {
+ enabled = true
+ {
+ name = "report"
+ options = {
+ logAcceptLanguage = false
+ logCookies = "OFF"
+ logCustomLogField = false
+ logEdgeIP = false
+ logHost = false
+ logReferer = true
+ logUserAgent = true
+ logXForwardedFor = false
+ {
+ name = "autoDomainValidation"
+ options = {
+ autodv = ""
+ name = "default"
+ options = {}
+ version = 1
Pass your contract, group, and include IDs in the body of the declaration to get details of an include's rules.
Argument | Required | Description |
contract_id | ✔ | Your contract's ID. |
group_id | ✔ | Your group's ID. |
include_id | ✔ | Your include's ID. |
version | ✔ | The include version you want to view the rules for. |
Returned to you is a computed set of the given include's rule tree.
Attribute | Description |
contract_id | Your contract's ID. |
group_id | Your group's ID. |
id | Your data source's ID. |
include_id | Your include's ID. |
name | The descriptive name for your include. |
rule_errors | The rule's validation errors. You need to resolve returned errors, as they block an activation. |
rule_warnings | The rule's validation warnings. You can activate a version that yields non-blocking warnings. |
rule_format | The versioned set of features and criteria that are currently applied to a rule tree. |
rules | Your include's rules in JSON format. |
type | The type of include. Contains either:
version | Your include's version. |
Updated 7 months ago