Time zones
Get the list of all the time zones Akamai supports. Time zones are in ISO 8601 format.
data "akamai_iam_timezones" "my_timezones" {
output "my_timezones" {
value = data.akamai_iam_timezones.my_timezones.timezones
Changes to Outputs:
+ my_timezones = [
+ {
+ description = "Africa/Asmera"
+ offset = "+3"
+ posix = "Africa/Asmera"
+ timezone = "Africa/Asmera"
+ {
+ description = "America/Chicago"
+ offset = "-6"
+ posix = "America/Chicago"
+ timezone = "America/Chicago"
The data source is passed empty. The config_section
argument in the Akamai provider
block of your Terraform configuration provides the necessary information.
Returned to you is a computed list of all supported timezones and their high-level details.
Attribute | Description |
timezone | The time zone's ID. |
description | The time zone's description, including the GMT +/-. |
offset | The time zone's offset from GMT. |
posix | The time zone's posix. |
Updated 11 months ago