Penalty box conditions
Get the conditions that trigger penalty box settings for a security policy.
data "akamai_appsec_penalty_box_conditions" "my_conditions" {
config_id = 12345
security_policy_id = abc1_234567
output "my_conditions" {
value = data.akamai_appsec_penalty_box_conditions.my_conditions
Changes to Outputs:
+ my_conditions = {
+ config_id = 12345
+ id = "12345:abc1_234567"
+ json = jsonencode(
+ conditionOperator = ""
+ conditions = null
+ output_text = ""
+ security_policy_id = "abc1_234567"
Pass your security configuration and policy IDs to get information about your penalty box conditions.
Argument | Required | Description |
config_id | ✔️ | A security configuration ID. |
security_policy_id | ✔️ | A security policy ID. |
Returned are details about your security policy's penalty box conditions.
Attribute | Description |
config_id | Your security configuration's ID. |
id | A concatenation of your security configuration and policy IDs. |
json | A JSON encoded representation of your condition details. |
output_text | A table representation of your condition details. |
security_policy_id | Your security policy's ID. |
Updated 4 months ago