DNSSEC record status
Get status details about a given domain zone's active DNSSEC records.
data "akamai_zone_dnssec_status" "my_dnssec_record_status" {
zone = "my-dnssec-record.org"
output "my_dnssec_record_status" {
value = data.akamai_zone_dnssec_status.my_dnssec_record_status
Changes to Outputs:
+ my_dnssec_record_status = {
+ alerts = []
+ current_records = {
+ dnskey_record = "my-dnssec-record.org. 7200 IN DNSKEY 257 3 13 (aBc123/DEFG4H5I6JKlMN7OP89qrstUvwy/AB123cdefGHJk4lMn5opq6rstUVw7XY8ZABC9O/aNBcdEFGjIJ== )"
+ ds_record = "my-dnssec-record.org. 86400 IN DS 12345 13 2 (12a3bcdef45g67h890i1234jk5kmnopq678rs9t012345678y9v0wx1y234z5a678b9 )"
+ expected_ttl = 86400
+ last_modified_date = "2024-07-15T12:19:41Z"
+ new_records = null
+ zone = "my-dnssec-record.org"
Pass a DNS zone
name in the body of the data block to get a set of your current and new records.
Returned is a list of the given zone's DNSSEC record details.
Attribute | Description |
current_records | The active set of DNSSEC records. Contains:
new_records | The newly generated set of DNSSEC records, if one exists. Contains:
Updated 8 months ago