Authorized users
Get a list your Akamai account's authorized users.
data "akamai_iam_authorized_users" "my_auth_users" {
output "my_auth_users" {
value = data.akamai_iam_authorized_users.my_auth_users
Changes to Outputs:
+ my_auth_users = {
+ authorized_users = [
+ {
+ email = ""
+ first_name = "John"
+ last_name = "Smith"
+ ui_identity_id = "A-BC-987654"
+ username = ""
+ {
+ email = ""
+ first_name = "Jane"
+ last_name = "Smith"
+ ui_identity_id = "A-BC-1234567"
+ username = ""
+ {
+ email = ""
+ first_name = "Jen"
+ last_name = "Smith"
+ ui_identity_id = "A-BC-7654321"
+ username = ""
This data source is passed empty. The config_section
argument in the Akamai provider
block of your Terraform configuration provides the necessary information.
Returned to you is an authorized_users
list with details for each user.
Attribute | Description |
email | The user's email address. |
first_name | The user's given name. |
last_name | The user's surname. |
ui_identity_id | The user's UI ID. |
username | The user's Akamai Control Center name. |
Updated 5 months ago