Resolving issues with your website and applications after a property is pushed to the content delivery network is inefficient and a drain on resources. With Sandbox, you can tweak your site delivery options and test in an isolated development environment to identify issues locally before merging.

Incorporate the Sandbox API into your agile development workflow to improve efficiency and identify potential issues well in advance of deployment. You can quickly test and validate code changes on your local development server through a secure connection to your sandbox.

The first thing you’ll do with the Sandbox API is Create a sandbox. You can mark the sandbox isClonable to make it easier for other developers to quickly create an instance in their local environment with the same settings. When you create a sandbox, you reference a property on the CDN and your sandbox inherits hostnames and a rule tree from the property configuration.


This API supports a hypermedia-based workflow. When available, the API provides relative links to execute related operations, indicated as href elements in the response object.

The hypermedia format follows the Hypertext Application Language (HAL) standard. You will see the link relations in the response body prefixed by a _links data member.

In this example, self indicates a rule tree object, with other available links to GET the property or sandbox that contains it:

"_links": {
    "self": {
        "href": "/sandbox-api/v1/sandboxes/ac6ef62b-8549-11e8-898a-0242ac110002/properties/ad37282c-8549-11e8-898a-0242ac110002/rules"
    "sandbox": {
        "href": "/sandbox-api/v1/sandboxes/ac6ef62b-8549-11e8-898a-0242ac110002"
    "property": {
        "href": "/sandbox-api/v1/sandboxes/ac6ef62b-8549-11e8-898a-0242ac110002/properties/ad37282c-8549-11e8-898a-0242ac110002"