This section defines the possible values for the enumerations that are in the Image and Video Manager.


DURATIONThe pristine video exceeds the maximum duration of 5 minutes.
BYTESThe pristine video exceeds the maximum size of 256 MB.
PIXELThe pristine video pixels exceed 3,686,400 (1920×1920).
SAMPLERATEThe pristine video exceeds a maximum sample rate of 60 Hz.
UNPARSEABLEThe pristine video isn't a recognized or supported video format.
PRISTINE_TOO_WIDEThe pristine image width exceeds 9999 pixels.
PRISTINE_TOO_TALLThe pristine image height exceeds 9999 pixels.
PROCESS_FAILED_INTERNALLYThe image or video couldn't be fetched from the origin or the policy is outdated.
INVALID_POLICYThe policy parameters are invalid.

Variable type

boolBoolean type, representing true or false values.
numberNumeric value, used for specifying dimensions, scale, or other numerical attributes.
urlURL type, representing a link to an external resource, image, or video.
colorColor value in hex format used for backgrounds, overlays, or filters.
gravitySpecifies focus area for cropping or positioning (e.g., "top," "center," "bottom").
placementDefines alignment or position of an element (e.g., "top-left," "center-right").
scaleDimensionScaling factor for resizing dimensions, expressed as a percentage of the width and height.
grayscaleTypeType of grayscale transformation, if multiple grayscale styles are supported.
aspectAspect ratio value to maintain consistent width-to-height proportions (e.g., "16:9," "1:1").
resizeTypeMethod of changing an image's size to fit a specific width and height
dimensionSpecific dimension values, such as width and height, for sizing media.
perceptualQualityQuality setting balancing file size and visual fidelity.
stringTextual value, used for tags, labels, or other descriptive elements.
focusDefines focal point within an image, to direct the viewer’s attention to a specific area.