Global Traffic Management API

The Internet domain name system (DNS) is a distributed system. It allows computer programs to issue queries about domain names which the DNS returns one or more answers to. The most common use for DNS is to convert hostnames, such as, into IP addresses, which identify a particular computer at a particular Internet location. In the most traditional usage, a query's answers are static. Someone types the answers into a configuration file, and the answers change only when the file changes.

A dynamic DNS system computes and returns answers on the fly. This can vary from one query to the next. A typical usage returns the IP address of a server assigned dynamically through dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP). This address changes, which is common with most home Internet connections.

Global Traffic Management (GTM) is a dynamic DNS system that manages traffic to your data centers. From one moment to the next, GTM chooses the best answers and returns them to client name servers in response to their queries about your domains.

Akamai Control Center provides a graphical interface to GTM for content administrators.