This table provides details for many of the errors you may encounter and the HTTP status codes they share. Note that this isn't an exhaustive listing. Each problem object's type member corresponds to distinct error cases. Problem types reported in HTTP error responses follow this URI pattern, where the type value appends after the common prefix string:

httpMediaTypeNotAcceptableReturned when the server cannot generate a response that is acceptable by the client. For version 1, application/json, application/vnd.config-gtm.v1.0+json (both are synonymous) and for version 2, application/vnd.config-gtm.v1.1+json, are supported.
unsupportedMediaTypeReturned when a client POSTs, PUTs, or PATCHes content of a type that isn't supported. For version 1, application/json, application/vnd.config-gtm.v1.0+json (both are synonymous) and for version 2, application/vnd.config-gtm.v1.1+json, are supported.