This lists the various conceptual objects the API makes available.


For a synopsis on Cloud Wrapper, check out How Cloud Wrapper works.

  • Footprint analysis. A pre-onboarding analysis of your existing property to determine the optimal cache space for your property. Your account team performs this for you before you create a configuration.

  • Capacity. This is the full capacity assigned to your contract. This is often based on the result of your footprint analysis.

  • Cloud Wrapper Configuration. This is the basic instance of your configuration. Each configuration comprises:

    • A unique configuration name. You provide this when creating the configuration.

    • Cache space. The amount of space you're allocating for an individual configuration.

    • Locations. The geographic region where the cache is located.

  • Property. This is a delivery configuration for a supported productAdaptive Media Delivery (AMD), Dynamic Site Acceleration, Download Delivery, Ion, or Object Delivery. You enable your Cloud Wrapper configuration in a property using the Cloud Wrapper behavior so that delivery of that product's content is managed through your Cloud Wrapper cache. You can use the Property Manager API (PAPI) to manage your property and add the behavior. There are additional points regarding properties and Cloud Wrapper:

    • A property can only include one Cloud Wrapper configuration. When setting up Cloud Wrapper in your property, you can only specify a single Cloud Wrapper configuration. But, you can use the same Cloud Wrapper configuration in multiple properties.

    • Web-based product properties and media-based product properties can't use the same Cloud Wrapper configuration. Ion and Dynamic Site Accelerator properties (WEB) can't use the same Cloud Wrapper configuration as an AMD, Download Delivery, or Object Delivery property (MEDIA).

    • A property doesn't need to be on the same contract as your Cloud Wrapper configuration. You can create a property using a different ​Akamai​ contract than the one you used to create your Cloud Wrapper configuration.


Web product support is beta

Currently, support for Cloud Wrapper with Dynamic Site Accelerator and Ion is in beta. Talk to your account team to see if you're eligible to participate.

  • Origin. This is where the deliverable content you want applied in your Cloud Wrapper cache is stored. You configure it using the origin behavior in your property using PAPI.

  • Multi-CDN. This refers to the use of your Cloud Wrapper cache space across the ​Akamai​ content delivery network (CDN), and other third-party CDNs. Run the list CDN providers operation to see the third-party CDNs that are currently supported, and store the cdnCode for the applicable one.

  • Auth keys. Cloud Wrapper uses Simple Header Authentication for secure connections from a third-party CDN to your Cloud Wrapper cache. You generate an auth key when creating a new Cloud Wrapper configuration. You then use values from this key this key to generate the header to include it in requests from that CDN.