Welcome to Client Access Control

You may have clients behind firewalls, and limit client access to known IP addresses or hostnames. Worldwide, the ​Akamai​ network has a large number of IP addresses associated with its network of edge servers. These edge server IP addresses can change over time as servers are added or removed from the ​Akamai​ network.

Client Access Control helps you manage access to these servers by providing:

  • an Access Control List (ACL) that contains the set of CIDR blocks that ​Akamai​ will use to serve your content.
  • an application, called CIDR Lists, to help manage changes to the CIDR blocks as they occur over time.
  • email notification whenever the list of CIDR blocks changes.


Client Access Control currently only supports IPv4 CIDR blocks.

The following diagram shows how CAC works on the ​Akamai​ platform:


When the list of servers changes, your organization needs to update your firewall rules for outgoing client requests (egress) with the CIDR blocks provided by ​Akamai​.]

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