
Network List


Create, update, or deactivate a network list. To deactivate a network list, pass the list argument empty with a mode of REMOVE.

resource "akamai_networklist_network_list" "my_network_list" {
 name        = "My network list"
 type        = "IP"
 description = "My new IP network list"
 list        = ["123.45.678.901", "234.56.789.012", "345.67.890.123"]
 mode        = "APPEND"
my_network_lists = {
  "contract_id"     = "C-0N7RAC7"
  "description"     = "My new IP network list"
  "group_id"        = 12345
  "id"              = "123456_MYNETWORKLIST"
  "list"            = ["123.45.678.901", "234.56.789.012", "345.67.890.123"]
  "mode"            = "APPEND"
  "name"            = "My network list"
  "network_list_id" = "123456_MYNETWORKLIST"
  "sync_point"      = 0
  "type"            = "IP"
  "uniqueid"        = "123456_MYNETWORKLIST"


Pass all required arguments to create or update your network list.

name✔️Your network list's name.
type✔️Your network list's type. One of:
  • IP. IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses or CIDRs. Entry limit is 50,000.
  • GEO. Request's country of origin. Entry limit is 275.
description✔️Additional information about the network list.
mode✔️The action to take upon apply. One of APPEND, REPLACE, or REMOVE. Initial creation uses APPEND.
listA list of IP addresses or locations to include, add, or remove from an existing list. To deactivate a network list, pass the an empty list, [] with a mode of REMOVE.
contract_idYour contract ID.
group_idYour group ID.


There's no default standard output. Upon apply, your network list's ID appears in the last line of the process log.

Adding an output block returns basic information about your network list.

akamai_networklist_network_list.my_network_list: Creation complete after 3s [id=123456_MYNETWORKLIST]
contract_idYour contract ID.
descriptionAdditional information about the network list.
group_idYour group ID.
idThe network list ID.
modeThe action taken on apply. One of APPEND, REPLACE, or REMOVE.
nameYour network list's name.
network_list_idThe network list ID.
sync_pointThe network list version. The value automatically increments with each modification.
typeYour network list's type. Either IP or GEO.
uniqueidThe network list ID.