
Defined bot


Returns information about the bots predefined by Akamai. Use the bot_name argument to limit the returned data to a specific bot.


data "akamai_botman_akamai_defined_bot" "defined_bots" {
output "defined_bots_json" {
  value = data.akamai_botman_akamai_defined_bot.defined_bots.json

data "akamai_botman_akamai_defined_bot" "defined_bot" {
  bot_name = "price-scraper-bot"

output " data "defined_bot_json" {
  value = data.akamai_botman_akamai_defined_bot.defined_bot.json

Argument reference

This resource supports the following arguments:

  • bot_name (Optional). Unique name of an Akamai-defined bot.

Output options

The following options can be used to determine the information returned and how that returned information is formatted:

-json. JSON-formatted output containing information about one or more Akamai-defined bots. The returned information includes the bot name, bot ID, and category ID.