
Custom deny action


Returns information about your custom deny actions.


Custom deny actions aren’t available for Akamai’s ChinaCDN.


data "akamai_appsec_configuration" "configuration" {
  name = "Documentation"

data "akamai_botman_custom_deny_action" "custom_deny_actions" {
  config_id = data.akamai_appsec_configuration.configuration.config_id

output "custom_deny_actions_json" {
  value = data.akamai_botman_custom_deny_action.custom_deny_actions.json

data "akamai_botman_custom_deny_action" "custom_deny_actions" {
  config_id = data.akamai_appsec_configuration.configuration.config_id
  action_id = "cc9c3f89-e179-4892-89cf-d5e623ba9dc7"

output "custom_deny_actions_json" {
  value = data.akamai_botman_custom_deny_action.custom_deny_actions.json

Argument reference

This resource supports the following arguments:

  • config_id (Required). Unique identifier of the security configuration associated with the custom deny actions.
  • action_id (Optional). Unique identifier of the custom deny action you want returned. If omitted, all your custom deny actions are returned.

Output options

The following options can be used to determine the information returned and how that returned information is formatted:

  • json. JSON-formatted output containing information about your custom deny actions.