
Authorities set


Get a list of the authorities set for your contract.


The target argument is automatically filled out with the default values of the authorities set on a DNS record of the NS (name server) type when you create a primary zone.

In case you need to create a DNS record of the NS type manually, you can provide the values of the authorities set in the target argument of that record.

data "akamai_authorities_set" "my_authorities_set" {
     contract = "C-0N7RAC7"

output "my_authorities_set" {
  value = data.akamai_authorities_set.my_authorities_set.authorities
Changes to Outputs:
  + my_authorities_set = [
      + "",
      + "",
      + "",
      + "",
      + "",
      + "",


Send your contract ID in the declaration to get information about the authorities set.


Returned to you is a computed set of authorities for your contract.