Retrieve a property's ID and rule tree based on the given property name.
data "akamai_property" "my_property" {
name = "my-property-1"
version = "1"
output "my_property" {
value = data.akamai_property.my_property
Changes to Outputs:
+ my_property = {
+ property_id = "prp_12345"
+ rules = jsonencode(
+ accountId = "act_A-CCT1234"
+ contractId = "ctr_C-0N7RAC7"
+ etag = "12a3b4567cd8e9012f34567g89hi01j23kl4567"
+ groupId = "grp_12345"
+ propertyId = "prp_12345"
+ propertyVersion = 1
+ ruleFormat = "v2024-05-31"
+ rules = {
+ behaviors = [
+ {
+ name = "origin"
+ options = {
+ cacheKeyHostname = "ORIGIN_HOSTNAME"
+ compress = true
+ enableTrueClientIp = true
+ forwardHostHeader = "REQUEST_HOST_HEADER"
+ hostname = ""
+ httpPort = 80
+ httpsPort = 443
+ ipVersion = "IPV4"
+ minTlsVersion = "DYNAMIC"
+ originCertificate = ""
+ originSni = true
+ originType = "CUSTOMER"
+ ports = ""
+ trueClientIpClientSetting = false
+ trueClientIpHeader = "True-Client-IP"
+ verificationMode = "PLATFORM_SETTINGS"
+ {
+ name = "originCharacteristics"
+ options = {
+ accessKeyEncryptedStorage = true
+ authenticationMethod = "GCS_HMAC_AUTHENTICATION"
+ authenticationMethodTitle = ""
+ country = "NORTH_AMERICA"
+ gcsAccessKeyVersionGuid = "12abcd3ef-45gh-67ij-890k-l1m23456n7o"
+ originLocationTitle = ""
+ {
+ name = "contentCharacteristics"
+ options = {
+ catalogSize = "MEDIUM"
+ contentType = "USER_GENERATED"
+ objectSize = "LESS_THAN_1MB"
+ popularityDistribution = "LONG_TAIL"
+ {
+ name = "clientCharacteristics"
+ options = {
+ country = "NORTH_AMERICA"
+ {
+ name = "restrictObjectCaching"
+ options = {
+ maximumSize = ""
+ {
+ name = "cpCode"
+ options = {
+ value = {
+ createdDate = 1708523914000
+ description = "My code"
+ id = 12345
+ name = "My CP code"
+ products = [
+ "Obj_Delivery",
+ {
+ name = "dynamicThroughtputOptimization"
+ options = {
+ enabled = true
+ {
+ name = "http3"
+ options = {
+ enable = false
+ name = "default"
+ options = {}
Pass your property name and an optional version of the property in the body of the declaration to get the property's ID and rule tree.
Returned to you is the property with its rule details.
Attribute | Description |
property_id |
The property's ID. |
rules |
A JSON-encoded rule tree for the given property. |
Updated about 1 month ago