Timeout policies
Get the list of all the possible session timeout policies that Akamai supports. The name for each timeout period is in minutes or hours, and the time value is in seconds.
data "akamai_iam_timeout_policies" "my_timeout_policies" {
output "my_timeout_policies" {
value = data.akamai_iam_timeout_policies.my_timeout_policies
Changes to Outputs:
+ my_timeout_policies = {
+ id = "akamai_iam_timeout_policies"
+ policies = {
+ after15Minutes = 900
+ after18Hours = 64800
+ after1Hour = 3600
+ after2Hours = 7200
+ after30Minutes = 1800
+ after45Minutes = 2700
+ after4Hours = 14400
Argument reference
The data source is passed empty. The config_section
argument in the Akamai provider
block of your Terraform configuration provides the necessary information.
Attributes reference
Returned to you is a policies
map of session timeout policy names to their values in seconds.
Updated 11 months ago
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