Get a list of your locations' storage capacities.
data "akamai_cloudwrapper_capacities" "my_capacities" {
output "my_capacities" {
value = data.akamai_cloudwrapper_capacities.my_capacities
Changes to Outputs:
+ my_capacities = {
+ capacities = [
+ {
+ approved = {
+ unit = "GB"
+ value = 100
+ assigned = {
+ unit = "GB"
+ value = 11
+ contract_id = "C-0N7RAC7"
+ location_id = 1
+ location_name = "United Kingdom"
+ type = "MEDIA"
+ unassigned = {
+ unit = "GB"
+ value = 89
+ {
+ approved = {
+ unit = "GB"
+ value = 100
+ assigned = {
+ unit = "GB"
+ value = 18
+ contract_id = "C-0N7RAC7"
+ location_id = 2
+ location_name = "US East"
+ type = "MEDIA"
+ unassigned = {
+ unit = "GB"
+ value = 82
+ contract_ids = null
+ id = "akamai_cloudwrapper_capacities"
This data source is passed empty. The config_section
argument in the Akamai provider
block of your Terraform configuration provides the necessary information.
Returned to you is a capacities
set with high level details about your locations' capacity values.
Attribute | Description |
approved | The total amount of space allotted to your location.
assigned | The total amount of space your location is already using.
unassigned |
contract_id | A location's contract ID. |
location_id | A location's ID. |
location_name | A location's name. |
type | The type of service at a location. |
contract_ids | A list of your contract IDs with Cloud Wrapper authorization. |
id | The capacity resource ID. |
Updated 30 days ago