


Create, clone, update, or delete a security configuration. Use the create_from_config_id argument to clone an existing configuration.

To delete a security configuration:

  1. Deactivate the configuration.
  2. Run terraform destroy.

resource "akamai_appsec_configuration" "create_config" { name = "My security configuration" description = "This is my new configuration." contract_id = "C-0N7RAC7" group_id = 12345 host_names = [""] }


This resource supports the following arguments:

name✔️Name of the new configuration.
description✔️Brief description of the new configuration.
contract_id✔️Unique identifier of the Akamai contract associated with the new configuration.
group_id✔️Unique identifier of the contract group associated with the new configuration.
host_names✔️JSON array of hostnames you want the configuration to protect. You must specify at least one hostname in order to create a new configuration.
create_from_config_idUnique identifier of the existing configuration being cloned in order to create the new configuration.
create_from_versionVersion number of the security configuration being cloned.


There is no default standard output. Upon creation, the last line of the process log contains your configuration ID.

akamai_appsec_configuration.create_config: Creation complete after 14s [id=67890]

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