API authentication failure. See Get started for guidance on how to correctly set up your API hostname token.
This is an example of a typical 401 error response you would encounter when making a GET request to /sla-api/v1/tests
"title":"not authorized",
"detail":"one or more test ids provided you dont have access to",
This is an example of a typical 401 error response you would encounter when making a DELETE request to/sla-api/v1/tests{?slaTestId}
"title":"not authorized",
"detail":"you dont have access to this test id",
This is an example of typical 401 error response you would encounter when making a PUT request to/sla-api/v1/tests{?slaTestId}
"title":"not authorized",
"detail":"you dont have access to this test id",
This is an example of a typical 401 error response you would encounter when making a GET request to/sla-api/v1/tests{?slaTestId}
"title":"not authorized",
"detail":"you dont have access to this test id",
This is an example of typical 401 error response you would encounter when making a GET request to/sla-api/v1/tests/{slaTestId}/reports/performance{?start,end}
"title":"not authorized",
"detail":"you dont have access to this test id",
This is an example of typical 401 error response you would encounter when making a GET request to/sla-api/v1/tests/{slaTestId}/reports/availability{?start,end}
"title":"not authorized",
"detail":"you dont have access to this test id",