Control room
A control room presents real-time data about a live event. It provides a customizable set of widgets based on the services associated with the event.
In the Control room view, you can:
- Add or remove widgets
- View alerts for the event
- Export the report to selected email addresses
Widgets associated with services in a live event display estimated values through aggregates. These aggregates include traffic data for the event, all objects within a service, and individual objects. The list of available widgets depend on the services associated with the event. You can add these widgets to your services:
CP codes
Event traffic summary.
A summary of the origin and edge traffic data for all CP codes associated with the event. It includes these metrics:
- The peak numbers of origin and edge requests per second
- The total numbers of origin and edge requests
- The peak numbers of origin and edge bandwidth
- The total volumes of origin and edge traffic
CP code origin status.
The origin responses by category for all or selected CP codes associated with the event. You can view the number of hits for each response category. The categories are:
- 000 Client-abort
- 1xx Informational
- 2xx Successful
- 3xx Redirection
- 4xx Client errors
- 5xx Server errors
CP code bandwidth.
The origin and edge bandwidth for all or selected CP codes associated with the event.
CP codes edge status.
The edge responses by category for all or selected CP codes associated with the event. You can view the number of hits for each response category. The categories are:
000 Client-abort
1xx Informational
2xx Successful
3xx Redirection
4xx Client errors
5xx Server errors
CP code requests.
The number of origin and edge requests per second for all or selected CP codes associated with the event.
Event traffic summary.
A summary of traffic data for all IPA/SXL slots. It provides these metrics:
- The peak bandwidth per second used for requests
- The total bandwidth used for requests
- The peak number of concurrent IPA/SXL connections
IPA/SXL connections.
The number of concurrent connections for all or selected IPA/SXL slots.
IPA/SXL bandwidth.
The rates of traffic from the client to the origin (incoming) and to the client from the origin (outgoing) for all or selected IPA/SXL slots. It's calculated for origins that are served by associated Sureroute IP (SRIP) endpoints, converted into bits per second at five-minute intervals, based on connectivity from Akamai's distributed network to edge nodes on your network.
Updated about 1 year ago