See the API's various operations for details on their request parameters and response data.
You can also run this API with a Postman collection.
Operation | Method | Endpoint |
DataStream 2 configuration | ||
List CDN properties by group | GET | /log/cdn/groups/{groupId}/properties |
Create a delivery stream | POST | /log/cdn/streams |
Edit a delivery (CDN) stream | PUT | /log/cdn/streams/{streamId} |
Create an EdgeWorkers stream | POST | /log/edgeworkers/streams |
List Edge DNS zones by contract | GET | /log/edns/contracts/{contractId}/zones |
Create an Edge DNS stream | POST | /log/edns/streams |
Edit an Edge DNS stream | PUT | /log/edns/streams/{streamId} |
Edit an EdgeWorkers stream | PUT | /log/ew/streams/{streamId} |
List GTM properties by contract | GET | /log/gtm/contracts/{contractId}/properties |
Create a GTM stream | POST | /log/gtm/streams |
Delete a stream | DELETE | /log/gtm/streams/{streamId} |
Patch a stream | PATCH | /log/gtm/streams/{streamId} |
Edit a GTM stream | PUT | /log/gtm/streams/{streamId} |
View upload metrics | GET | /log/streams/metrics |
List data set fields | GET | /log/{logType}/datasets-fields |
List groups | GET | /log/{logType}/groups |
List streams | GET | /log/{logType}/streams |
Get a stream | GET | /log/{logType}/streams/{streamId} |
Activate a stream | POST | /log/{logType}/streams/{streamId}/activate |
View activation history | GET | /log/{logType}/streams/{streamId}/activation-history |
Deactivate a stream | POST | /log/{logType}/streams/{streamId}/deactivate |
View history | GET | /log/{logType}/streams/{streamId}/history |