Use the DataStream 2 API v3 to capture log data and deliver them to the destination of your choice at low latency.
Create and manage stream configurations, choose from available data sets to monitor traffic, and collect detailed data on your Akamai properties at the edge.
The new version comes with additional EdgeWorkers, Edge DNS and Global Traffic Managements log types. For details, see Log types.
This API offers a programmatic alternative to the features of DataStream 2 available in Akamai Control Center. It limits the scope of the returned data by the user's account, its permissions, and access to business objects. For the steps you need to configure and use DataStream 2, see Get started and API workflow.
Third-party integration
DataStream 2 is optimized for high-volume raw data delivery, and we recommend using log data for basic traffic analytics and monitoring CDN health.
In case of latency or connection problems involving third-party destinations, DataStream 2 attempts to deliver log data in up to 10 retries over 5 minutes. For details, see the Delivery retry feature.
You should take these limitations into account before using data served on your stream for audit, compliance, or billing purposes.