Oct 10, 2019 — API Gateway updates
about 5 years ago by kwichere@akamai.com
- In JWT settings, you can now load public RSA keys dynamically from a JSON web key set (JWKS).
- The color of switches throughout the API Definitions and Key and Quota Management applications has changed from red/green to grey/dark blue to increase usability.
Feb 13, 2019 — API Gateway updates
almost 6 years ago by kwichere@akamai.com
- The property activation status check is now functional.
- Endpoint versions may now be updated when any associated hostnames have been removed from property configurations but remained in use in API configurations.
- Performance improvements in backend configuration processing.
- GraphQL users may now specify a maximum query size up to 8129 bytes.
- GraphQL users may now specify a nesting depth for queries up to 100 levels.
Jan 16, 2019 — API Gateway updates
almost 6 years ago by kwichere@akamai.com
- Activating a registered API no longer changes the last modified date for that registered API.
- The Reset to API settings button in API Definitions is clearly separated from other elements in the UI.
- GraphQL settings are no longer visible for registered APIs with the GraphQL feature turned off.
- The UI for OAuth scopes clearly shows all APIs and resources each scope is associated with.
- The tool for comparing API versions in API Definitions includes GraphQL and OAuth scopes settings.
- When importing a Swagger file without an API name, the server URL is no longer used as a replacement for the API name in API Definitions. Instead, API Gateway returns a 400 HTTP error response indicating that an API name should be specified in the Swagger file.
- The email alerts received after activating an API are more user-friendly.
- A bug that caused failed activations of APIs for some customers has been fixed.
Sep 18, 2018 — API Gateway updates
over 6 years ago by kwichere@akamai.com
Note that much of the work in this release are deliverables for API Gateway 1.1 beta program.
Jul 5, 2018 — API gateway updates
over 6 years ago by jmetzger@akamai.com
You can now hide inactive API configurations from the registered APIs list as well as individual API configuration versions from the version history panel. It makes the interface is more transparent and clutter-free.
Jun 11, 2018 — API Gateway updates
over 6 years ago by jmetzger@akamai.com
- You are no longer redirected to the first key collection after refreshing or making changes on the Key and Quota Management page.
- A blank base path is now treated as equivalent to a base path of /* during API configuration activation.
- The Quota usage by time report is now available under Reporting in Control Center.
- The Akamai API for quota reports is now a part of the Key and Quota API.
- Each contract has a default API keys limit (1000 keys) that you can change by contacting your account representative.
- You can upload API definition files in a Swagger 3.0 format.
- You can overwrite hostnames and base paths during the import operation.
- The Quota used last updated field in Key and Quota Management includes a time zone.
- The UI in Key and Quota Management clearly displays which keys are selected across all collections.
May 16, 2018 — API Gateway updates
over 6 years ago by jmetzger@akamai.com
- CreatedBy and UpdatedBy fields returned in OpenAPI contain user-friendly data.
- Activation and deactivation operations in OpenAPI return data in the response body.
- Key and Quota Management contains information about the latest update of keys’ remaining quota.
- You are no longer redirected to the first collection after generating keys.
- The tag limit per API key is 10.
- The default clock skew value for JWT claims validation is five seconds.
- The import interface now clearly reflects reimporting for existing API configurations.
- You can control whether resources inherit API privacy, JWT validation, and caching settings from the API level.