


Modifies slow POST protection settings for a security configuration and security policy. Slow POST protections help defend a site against attacks that try to tie up the site by using extremely slow requests and responses.

Scopes: Security policy


terraform {
  required_providers {
    akamai = {
      source = "akamai/akamai"

provider "akamai" {
  edgerc = "~/.edgerc"

// USE CASE: User wants to set slow post protection settings for a security configuration and security policy.

data "akamai_appsec_configuration" "configuration" {
  name = "Documentation"
resource "akamai_appsec_slow_post" "slow_post" {
  config_id                  = data.akamai_appsec_configuration.configuration.config_id
  security_policy_id         = "gms1_134637"
  slow_rate_action           = "alert"
  slow_rate_threshold_rate   = 10
  slow_rate_threshold_period = 30
  duration_threshold_timeout = 20

Argument reference

This resource supports the following arguments:

  • config_id (Required). Unique identifier of the security configuration associated with the slow POST settings being modified.

  • security_policy_id (Required). Unique identifier of the security policy associated with the slow POST settings being modified.

  • slow_rate_action (Required). Action to be taken if slow POST protection is triggered. Allowed values are:

    • alert. Record the event.
    • abort. Block the request.
  • slow_rate_threshold_rate (Optional). Average rate (in bytes per second over the specified time period) allowed before the specified action is triggered.

  • slow_rate_threshold_period (Optional). Amount of time (in seconds) that the server should allow a request before marking the request as being too slow.

  • duration_threshold_timeout (Optional). Maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the first eight kilobytes of the POST body must be received in to avoid triggering the specified action.