


Use the akamai_cps_enrollment data source to return data for specific enrollment.


This example shows how to set up a user.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    akamai = {
      source = "akamai/akamai"
  required_version = ">= 0.13"

provider "akamai" {
  edgerc = "../config/edgerc"
  config_section = "shared_dns"

data "akamai_cps_enrollment" "test_enrollment" {
  enrollment_id = var.enrollment_id

output "dv_output" {
  value = data.akamai_cps_enrollment.test_enrollment

Argument reference

This data source supports this argument:

  • enrollment_id - (Required) Unique identifier for the certificate enrollment.

Attributes reference

This data source returns these attributes:

  • common_name - The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) used for the certificate.

  • sans - Additional common names in a Subject Alternative Names (SAN) list.

  • secure_network - The type of deployment network used. standard-tls deploys your certificate to Akamai's standard secure network, but it isn't PCI compliant. enhanced-tls deploys your certificate to Akamai's more secure network with PCI compliance capability.

  • sni_only - Whether you enabled SNI-only extension for the enrollment. Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) networking protocol. It allows a server to present multiple certificates on the same IP address. All modern web browsers support the SNI extension. If you have the same SAN on two or more certificates with the SNI-only option set, Akamai may serve traffic using any certificate which matches the requested SNI hostname.

  • admin_contact - Contact information for the certificate administrator at your company.

  • certificate_chain_type - Certificate trust chain type.

  • csr - When you create an enrollment, you also generate a certificate signing request (CSR) using CPS. CPS signs the CSR with the private key. The CSR contains all the information the CA needs to issue your certificate.

    • country_code - The country code for the country where your organization is located.
    • city - The city where your organization resides.
    • organization - The name of your company or organization.
    • organizational_unit - Your organizational unit.
    • preferred_trust_chain - For the Let's Encrypt Domain Validated (DV) SAN certificates, the preferred trust chain will be included by CPS with the leaf certificate in the TLS handshake.
    • state - Your state or province.
  • enable_multi_stacked_certificates - If present, an ECDSA certificate is enabled in addition to an RSA certificate. CPS automatically performs all certificate operations on both certificates, and uses the best certificate for each client connection to your secure properties.

  • network_configuration - The network information and TLS Metadata you want CPS to use to push the completed certificate to the network.

    • client_mutual_authentication - If present, shows the configuration for client mutual authentication. Specifies the trust chain that is used to verify client certificates and some configuration options.

      • send_ca_list_to_client - If present, the server is enabled to send the certificate authority (CA) list to the client.
      • ocsp_enabled - If present, the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) stapling is enabled for client certificates.
      • set_id - The identifier of the set of trust chains, created in mTLS Edge Trustore.
    • disallowed_tls_versions - The TLS protocol version that is not trusted. CPS uses the TLS protocols that Akamai currently supports as a best practice.

    • clone_dns_names - If present, CPS directs traffic using all the SANs listed in the SANs parameter when the enrollment was created.

    • geography - A list of where you can deploy the certificate. Either core to specify worldwide deployment (including China and Russia), china+core to specify worldwide deployment and China, or russia+core to specify worldwide deployment and Russia.

    • must_have_ciphers - If present, shows ciphers included for enrollment when deployed on the network. The default is ak-akamai-2020q1 when it is not set. For more information on cipher profiles, see Akamai community.

    • ocsp_stapling - If present, its using OCSP stapling for the enrollment, either on, off or not-set. OCSP Stapling improves performance by including a valid OCSP response in every TLS handshake. This option allows the visitors on your site to query the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) server at regular intervals to obtain a signed time-stamped OCSP response.

    • preferred_ciphers - If present, shows the ciphers that you prefer to include for the enrollment while deploying it on the network. The default is ak-akamai-2020q1 when its not set. For more information on cipher profiles, see Akamai community.

    • quic_enabled - If present, uses the QUIC transport layer network protocol.

  • signature_algorithm - If present, shows the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) function, either SHA-1 or SHA-256.

  • tech_contact - The technical contact within Akamai. This is the person you work closest with at Akamai and who can verify the certificate request. The CA calls this contact if there are any issues with the certificate and they can't reach the admin_contact.

  • organization - The name of the organization in Akamai where your technical contact works.

    • name - The name of the technical contact at Akamai.
    • phone - The phone number of the technical contact at Akamai.
    • address_line_one - The address for the technical contact at Akamai.
    • address_line_two - The address for the technical contact at Akamai.
    • city - The address for the technical contact at Akamai.
    • region - The region for the technical contact at Akamai.
    • postal_code - The postal code for the technical contact at Akamai.
    • country_code - The country code for the technical contact at Akamai.
  • contract_id - A contract's ID, optionally with the ctr_ prefix.

  • certificate_type - Populates automatically with the san certificate type and is preserved in the state file.

  • validation_type - Populates automatically with the dv validation type and is preserved in the state file.

  • registration_authority - Populates automatically with the lets-encrypt certificate type and is preserved in the state file.

  • dns_challenges - If present, the validation challenge for the domains listed in the certificate.

    • domain - The domain to validate.
    • full_path - The URL where Akamai publishes response_body for Let's Encrypt to validate.
    • response_body - The data Let's Encrypt expects to find served at full_path URL.