Get details of a specific certificate enrollment.
data "akamai_cps_enrollment" "my-enrollment" {
enrollment_id = 12345
output "my-enrollment" {
value = data.akamai_cps_enrollment.my-enrollment
Changes to Outputs:
+ my-enrollment = {
+ admin_contact = [
+ {
+ address_line_one = "1234 Main St."
+ address_line_two = "Suite 123"
+ city = "Cambridge"
+ country_code = "US"
+ email = "jsmith@example.com"
+ first_name = "Jane"
+ last_name = "Smith"
+ organization = "Main Street Corporation"
+ phone = "1-617-555-6789"
+ postal_code = "02142"
+ region = "MA"
+ title = "Director of Operations"
+ assigned_slots = [
+ 1234,
+ certificate_chain_type = "default"
+ certificate_type = "third-party"
+ common_name = "my-site.com"
+ contract_id = "C-0N7RAC7"
+ csr = [
+ {
+ city = "Cambridge"
+ country_code = "US"
+ organization = "Main Street Corporation"
+ organizational_unit = "IT"
+ preferred_trust_chain = ""
+ state = "MA"
+ dns_challenges = []
+ enable_multi_stacked_certificates = false
+ enrollment_id = 12345
+ http_challenges = []
+ id = "12345"
+ network_configuration = [
+ {
+ client_mutual_authentication = []
+ clone_dns_names = true
+ disallowed_tls_versions = [
+ "TLSv1",
+ "TLSv1_1",
+ geography = "core"
+ must_have_ciphers = "ak-akamai-2020q1"
+ ocsp_stapling = "on"
+ preferred_ciphers = "ak-akamai-2020q1"
+ quic_enabled = false
+ org_id = 0
+ organization = [
+ {
+ address_line_one = "1234 Main St."
+ address_line_two = "Suite 123"
+ city = "Cambridge"
+ country_code = "US"
+ name = "Main Street Corporation"
+ phone = "1-617-555-6789"
+ postal_code = "02142"
+ region = "MA"
+ pending_changes = false
+ production_slots = []
+ registration_authority = "lets-encrypt"
+ sans = [
+ "my-site.com",
+ secure_network = "enhanced-tls"
+ signature_algorithm = "SHA-256"
+ sni_only = true
+ staging_slots = [
+ 12345,
+ tech_contact = [
+ {
+ address_line_one = "1234 Main St."
+ address_line_two = "Suite 123"
+ city = "Cambridge"
+ country_code = "US"
+ email = "jsmithson@example.com"
+ first_name = "Janet"
+ last_name = "Smithson"
+ organization = "Main Street Corporation"
+ phone = "1-617-555-6789"
+ postal_code = "02142"
+ region = "MA"
+ title = "Director of Platform Services"
+ validation_type = "dv"
Pass an enrollment_id
in the body of the data block.
Returned to you are the details of the given certificate enrollment.
Attribute | Description |
admin_contact |
A list including name, address, phone number, and email address of your certificate administrator. |
assigned_slots |
A list of slot IDs for deployed or soon to be deployed certificates. |
certificate_chain_type |
The certificate trust chain type. This is either default or symantec1kroot . |
certificate_type |
The certification type. Possible values: san , single , wildcard-san , or third-party . |
common_name |
The fully qualified domain name used for the certification. |
contract_id |
The contract's ID. |
csr |
The data used for generating the certificate signing request (CSR) when you create an enrollment. Includes:
dns_challenges |
The DNS challenge details. Includes:
enable_multi_stacked_certificates |
Indicates the enablement state of dual-stacked certificate deployment. true means it's enabled. |
enrollment_id |
The enrollment's ID. |
http_challenges |
The HTTP challenge details. Includes:
network_configuration |
The network settings, information, and TLS metadata used by the CPS to push the completed certificate to the network. Includes:
org_id |
The Digicert ID for your organization. |
organization |
A list detailing the address information of your organization. |
pending_changes |
Indicates whether there are pending changes. true means there are some pending changes. |
production_slots |
A list of slot IDs for certificates deployed to the production network. |
staging_slots |
A list of slot IDs for certificates deployed to the staging network. |
registration_authority |
The certificate authority used for the certification. |
sans |
A list of the subject alternative names (SANS) secured by a certificate. |
secure_network |
The type of security on a deployment network. Value is one of:
signature_algorithm |
The SHA algorithm type. Value is one of:
sni_only |
Indicates whether the Server Name Indication (SNI) was used for enrollment. true means it was used. |
tech_contact |
A list including name, address, phone number, and email address of your Akamai technical contact. |
validation_type |
The validation type. Value is one of:
Updated about 2 months ago