Jun 24, 2024 — Linode API



Several new operations in support of the Placement Groups service launch (Limited Availability):


Updated operations in support of the Placement Groups service launch (Limited Availability):

  • List Linodes (GET /linode/instances) - Added placement_group object to show the placement group the Linode belongs to.
  • Get a Linode (GET /linode/instances/{linodeId}) - Added placement_group object to show the placement group the Linode belongs to.
  • Create a Linode (POST /linode/instances). Added placement_group parameter to include a new Linode in an existing placement group.
  • Clone a Linode (POST /linode/instances/{linodeId}/clone). Added placement_group parameter to include the cloned Linode in an existing placement group.
  • Initiate a DC Migration/Pending Host Migration (POST /linode/instances/migrate). Added placement_group parameter to include the migrated Linode in an existing placement group.
  • Get your account (GET /account) - Includes Placement Group in the capabilities array for accounts with access to the service.
  • Get a region (GET /regions/{regionId}) - Included various parameters that describe placement group availability and limitations in a region.

Updated several Object Storage operations to support the new regions objects:

Deprecated the following Object Storage-related operations. They are still available, but other operations should be used instead:

  • List clusters (GET /object-storage/clusters)
  • Get a cluster (GET /object-storage/clusters/{clusterId})