To understand this API's various URL resources and the data it exchanges, it helps to be familiar with the following concepts:
Subscription. Specifies the event types that trigger near real-time notifications, When one of these events occurs, a webhooks notification is sent to the listener endpoint associated with the subscription.
Filter. Restricts the number and type of events forwarded to your listener endpoint. For example, instead of receiving notifications for all your entityCreated events, you can receive notifications only for entityCreated
events associated with a specific application or a specific entity type.
Event. Basically anything that happens in the Identity Cloud: a user logs on, a user logs off, an administrator creates a new entity type, an administrator deletes an existing API client. Webhooks v3 lets you subscribe to three different event types:
. A user profile has been deleted.entityUpdated
. A user profile has been modified in some way.entityDeleted
. A user profile has been deleted.
Event history. Provides detailed information about each event and the stages that event has passed through. If an event can't be delivered on the first try, Webhooks v3 will make as many as 5 more attempts before giving up. (The actual number of retries varies depending on the HTTP status code returned after a delivery failure.) All these retries (and the success or failure of these retries) is recorded in the event history.
Event store. Backend database where webhook events are temporarily stored. When a relevant event occurs, an event monitor grabs the event, changes the event state to awaiting-executing
, stashes the event in the event store, and then begins the process of delivering that event. Events remain in the event store for 7 days and then are automatically deleted. Once deleted an event can’t be retrieved.
Event redelivery. Provides a way for you schedule delivery of events that, for some reason, couldn’t be delivered as part of the regular event delivery process. If an event can’t be delivered, the event is marked as failed and stored in the event store for 7 days. At any point during those 7 days you can use the Webhooks v3 API to schedule the event for redelivery.