October 8, 2024 — Enterprise Application Access Updates

Enterprise Application Access (EAA) updates.

​Akamai​ EAA new features

Connector Pools and Application Access Groups. A group of Applications that are served by the same set of Connectors, having identical authentication policies, and common Access control rules can be configured using Application Access Groups having Connector Pools, Identity Ruleset, and Access Ruleset respectively. It greatly reduces the configuration management time for applications improving the administrators’ productivity. Beta documentation for Connector Pools and Application Access Groups is available under BETA FEATURES section in the techdocs.

Unlock a locked user from Akamai Cloud Directory. A user can be temporarily locked from an IdP, if they exceed the number of failed attempts within a time threshold, with an Account Locked message. The admin can unlock the user, if the user belongs to the Cloud Directory.

New Alerts Reports. A new report for Applications is available in Reports > System Reports that shows Applications that are reachable or unreachable. This is in limited availability and can be enabled in your contract by contacting Akamai support.

EAA Login Portal Browser Certification and Support Update. The EAA Login Portal will be upgraded to use the latest libraries optimized for modern web browsers, including Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge. We will validate the Portal with the latest versions of these browsers.

EAA will maintain support for Microsoft Edge with IE mode. In this mode, although existing login flows will be functional, some new features may not be available.

Starting October 2024, the EAA Login Portal will no longer support browser versions below Chrome 94, Firefox 94, Edge 94, or Safari 16.

This will be effective when Cloud Zone associated with Identity Provider is upgraded. For the Akamai Cloud Zone upgrade schedule, refer to the Akamai Status Page.

Known limitations

For Unlock a Locked User feature these are the limitations:

  1. If you reset the password of the locked user, it does not unlock the user. Users can only be unlocked using the Unlock User icon.
  2. If a user is locked and we recreate the user with the same credentials before the lockout duration expires, the user will remain locked for the IdP.