Create EdgeGrid authentication credentials
Follow these steps to create an authentication credential that contains the client token and client secret required to authenticate Akamai API, CLI, or Terraform requests.
In order to complete these steps, you need access to Akamai Control Center and a user role permission that enables you to create API clients and manage credentials. Your user role permission must include IDM: API Clients – User Access or IDM: API Clients – Admin Access.
Create a quick API client
Launch Identity and Access Management. In Control Center, select ☰ > ACCOUNT ADMIN > Identity & access.
Under Users and API Clients, click Create API client.
If you don't have access to the Identity and Access Management tool, contact your local Akamai Control Center admin or your Akamai account team for assistance.
Click Quick to create an API client with access levels, group roles, and permissions identical to your current login.
If you need to refine access levels or permissions, refer to Create a client with custom permissions. If you need to create a client to manage multiple Control Center accounts, refer to Manage many accounts with one API client.
Click Show additional details to verify the APIs you can access.
Enter the API service's name in the Filter field to verify that it's included and that you have the proper level of access.
Click Hide additional details to return to the Details and Credentials information.
Keep the API client for you page open.
You'll need this information to set up your.edgerc
Add credential to .edgerc file
The credential includes the client token and client secret required to authenticate Akamai API or CLI requests.
Click Download in the Credentials section.
Open the downloaded file with a text editor and add the value
as a header above all text. Your finished file should look like this:
client_secret = abcdEcSnaAt123FNkBxy456z25qx9Yp5CPUxlEfQeTDkfh4QA=I
host =
access_token = akab-zyx987xa6osbli4k-e7jf5ikib5jknes3
client_token = akab-nomoflavjuc4422-fa2xznerxrm3teg7
- Save the file in your
directory with the name.edgerc
The default home directory location for these operating systems is typically:- Linux
- macOS
- Windows
- Linux
At this point you can choose an interface to interact with Akamai APIs, including:
Refer to EdgeGrid libraries for code samples that show how to instantiate authentication for various programming languages.
Video demo
If you need a little guidance, watch this video.
Updated 7 months ago