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Release notes
Cloud Manager
Release notes
Cloud Manager
Welcome to Akamai cloud computing
Get started
Choose a data center
Network transfer usage and costs
Help & support
Send email on the cloud computing platform
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Grant a developer access to your services
Automate cloud resource deployment
Resell services
Distributed compute regions (limited availability)
Supported features and services
IP Sharing and failover in distributed compute regions
Create a Compute Instance in a distributed compute region
Manage users on your account
Change your email address on your account
Reset your user password
Security controls for user accounts
Manage 2FA on a user account
Enable third-party authentication on your user account
Parent and child accounts for Akamai partners
Transfer services to a different account
Manage user account permissions
Manage SSH keys
Manage personal access tokens
Cancel your account
Accounts FAQ
Access billing information
View invoices and payment history
Update billing contact information
Make a payment
Manage payment methods
Stop further billing
Tax information
Referral program
Add a promo code
Billing FAQ
Compute Instances
Get started with Compute Instances
Create a Compute Instance
Disk encryption (Limited availability)
Set up and secure a Compute Instance
Choose a Compute Instance plan
Dedicated CPU Compute Instances
Shared CPU Compute Instances
GPU Compute Instances
High Memory Compute Instances
Premium Compute Instances
Choose between shared and dedicated CPUs
Resize a Compute Instance
Choose a Linux distribution
Default distro packages
Package mirrors
Manage disks and storage on a Compute Instance
Copy a disk over SSH
Copy a disk to a different account
Reset the root password on a Compute Instance
Access your system console using Lish
Access your desktop environment using Glish
Monitor and maintain a Compute Instance
Configure email alerts for resource usage on Compute Instances
Manage configuration profiles on a Compute Instance
Manage the kernel on a Compute Instance
Automatically configure networking (Network Helper)
Manage IP addresses on a Compute Instance
IPv6 on Compute Instances
Configure rDNS (reverse DNS) on a Compute Instance
DHCP IP address reference
Enable IP sharing (elastic IPs) in Atlanta through FRR
Configure failover on a Compute Instance
Configure IP failover over BGP using FRR (advanced)
Use keepalived health checks with BGP-based failover
Configure multi-queue NICs on Compute Instances
Manual network configuration on a Compute Instance
Network configuration using NetworkManager
Network configuration using Netplan
Network configuration using ifupdown
Network configuration using systemd-networkd
Recovery and troubleshooting
Recover from unexpected shutdowns with Lassie
Rescue and rebuild
Troubleshooting general issues on Compute Instances
Troubleshooting basic connection issues on Compute Instances
Troubleshooting SSH on Compute Instances
Troubleshooting memory issues on Compute Instances
Troubleshooting firewall issues on Compute Instances
Troubleshooting web servers, databases, and other services
Clone a Compute Instance
Work with placement groups
Migrate to a new data center
Maintenance and migrations
Install the NVIDIA CUDA toolkit on GPU instances
Compute Instance FAQs
Metadata service
Add user data when deploying Compute Instances
Access the Metadata service API
Use the Metadata service API
Use cloud-config files to configure a server
Troubleshoot issues with the Metadata service
Additional resources
Linode Kubernetes Engine
Getting started with LKE
Create a cluster
Manage Kubernetes clusters on LKE
Kubernetes Dashboard on LKE
High availability (HA) control plane on LKE
Manage a cluster with kubectl
LKE versioning and life cycle policy
Using GPUs on LKE
Upgrade a cluster to a newer Kubernetes version
Control Plane ACLs
How to drain a node pool on an LKE cluster
Rotate Kubernetes secrets
Reset kubeconfig
Deploy and manage an LKE cluster with the Linode API
Manage nodes and node pools
Load balancing on LKE
Secure a cluster with user permissions and RBAC
Create a custom CoreDNS configuration
Akamai App Platform (for LKE)
Getting Started with the Akamai App Platform
Get started with the Backups service
Enable backups
Schedule backups
Take a manual snapshot
Restore a backup to a new Compute Instance
Restore a backup to an existing Compute Instance
Cancel backups
Troubleshoot issues with the Backups service
Download a local copy of a backup
Backups FAQ
Block Storage
Get started with Block Storage
View, create, and delete Block Storage volumes
Manage Block Storage volumes with the Linode API
Volume Encryption
Attach and detach a volume
Resize a volume
Configure and mount a volume
Boot from a Block Storage volume
Transfer Block Storage data between data centers
Transfer a volume to a different Compute Instance
Common Block Storage use cases
Object Storage
Get started with Object Storage
Product support and limits
Create and manage buckets
Object Storage use cases
Define access and permissions using bucket policies
Versioning (retain object version history)
Manage access keys
Cancel Object Storage
Configure a custom domain with a TLS/SSL certificate
Define access and permissions using ACLs (Access Control Lists)
Upload and manage files (objects)
Lifecycle policies
Access buckets and files through URLs
Find the canonical user ID for an account
Clients and tooling
AWS CLI and SDKs support details
Use the Linode CLI with Object Storage
Use s3cmd with Object Storage
Use s4cmd with Object Storage
Use Cyberduck with Object Storage
Use the AWS CLI with Object Storage
Use the AWS SDK for PHP with Object Storage
Use the AWS SDK for Python (boto3) with Object Storage
Use Grafana Loki with Object Storage
Linode Cloud Firewalls
Getting started with Cloud Firewalls
Create a Cloud Firewall
Manage firewall rules
Apply firewall rules to a service
Update Cloud Firewall status
Comparing Cloud Firewalls to Linux firewall software
Delete a Cloud Firewall
Introduction to load balancing
Getting started with NodeBalancers
Create a NodeBalancer
Configuration options for NodeBalancers
Using Proxy Protocol with NodeBalancers
Available protocols
Client's IP address pass-through
Backend nodes
TLS/SSL termination on NodeBalancers
Manage NodeBalancers
Configure NodeBalancers with the Linode API
DNS Manager
Getting started with DNS manager
Create a domain
DNS record types
A and AAAA records
CNAME records
MX records
TXT records
NS records
SOA record
CAA records
SRV records
Manage domains
Manage DNS records
Configure your domain's authoritative name servers
Incoming DNS zone transfers
Outgoing DNS zone transfers
Troubleshooting DNS records
Common DNS configurations
Getting started with VPC
Create a VPC
Manage VPCs
Manage VPC subnets
Assign a Compute Instance to a VPC
Configure a forward proxy to enable internet access within a VPC
Getting started with VLANs
Attach a VLAN to a Compute Instance
Detach a VLAN from a Compute Instance
Manually configuring a VLAN on a Compute Instance
Common use cases for VLANs
Create a private network with VLANs using the Linode API
Cloud Manager
Overview of Cloud Manager
Events and activity feeds
Tags and groups
Search in Cloud Manager
Troubleshooting errors in Cloud Manager
Get started with the Linode CLI
Install and configure the CLI
Manage multiple accounts with the Linode CLI
CLI commands
CLI commands for Account Management
CLI commands for Object Storage
CLI commands for NodeBalancers
CLI commands for Compute Instances
CLI commands for Block Storage volumes
CLI commands for support tickets
CLI commands for events
CLI commands for DNS Manager
CLI commands for LKE
Capture an image
Upload an image
Deploy an image to a new Compute Instance
Deploy an image to an existing Compute Instance
Get started with StackScripts
Create a StackScript
Deploy a Compute Instance using a StackScript
Manage StackScripts
Write a custom script for use with StackScripts
Common use cases for StackScripts
Use an externally hosted deployment script
Get started with Longview
View and manage Longview clients
System metrics in Longview
Capture Apache metrics with Longview
Capture NGINX metrics with Longview
Capture MySQL metrics with Longview
Change Longview plan (upgrade to Pro)
Troubleshooting Longview
Managed database clusters
Get started with managed databases
Database engines and plans
Create and manage database clusters
Monitor database clusters (Beta)
Legacy database clusters
Manage legacy database clusters
Managed Services
Get started with the Managed Services
Configure credentials for managed services
Configure SSH access for Managed Services
Configure firewall rules to allow access
Create and edit service monitors for Managed Services
Manage contacts for Managed Services
Cancel Managed Services
Contact us
Akamai support
Linode support
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Linode support
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