


 Average processing times Staging: 1-3 minutes Production: 5-7 minutes

Activates a property version on either the staging or production network. If you don't specify a network, the default action targets staging.


A note change does not trigger a new property activation.

// Change the network value to production for the production network
resource "akamai_property_activation" "my_activation" {
     property_id                    = "prp_12345"
     network                        = "staging"
     contact                        = [""]
     note                           = "Sample activation"
     version                        = "1"
     auto_acknowledge_rule_warnings = true
     timeouts {
       default = "1h"


Pass your property's ID and version along with who to send change notifications to to activate your property.

property_id✔️Your property's ID, including the prp_ prefix.
contact✔️One or more email addresses to which to send activation status changes.
version✔️Your property's version number.
networkAkamai network on which to activate your property, either staging or production. The default is staging.
noteA descriptive message about the activation request.
auto_acknowledge_rule_warningsWhether the activation should proceed despite any warnings. The default is false.
timeoutsUses a default argument to override the HashiCorp processing timeout of 20 minutes. Value is a string containing a number and its time reference, h, m, s. You can pass one, two, or all values. For example:
  • 1h3m5s
  • 2h5m
  • 3m


Returned to you are the activation's IDs, status, and any warnings or errors.

idYour activation's ID.
warningsWarnings returned during activation.
errorsErrors returned during activation.
activation_idThe ID given to the activation event while it's in progress.
statusThe property version's activation status on the given network.