DataStream migration
Migrate your existing integration of the DataStream subprovider to use version 5.0 to better manage the existing features you've been using and add to them these new features:
- Insight into your midgress.
- New data set fields.
Summary of changes
Midgress traffic
You can now use DataStream to log midgress traffic on your properties.
- On creation of or as an edit to your data stream, add the
argument and set it totrue
. - Update your property's DataStream behavior to enable the collection of midrgress traffic.
Values returned in your logs tell you where the midgress is captured.
Value | Description |
0 | Request processed between a client device and an edge server and isn't logged as midgress traffic. |
1 | Request processed by an edge server within a set region. |
2 | Request processed by a parent Akamai edge server in the parent-child hierarchy. |
Data set fields
Updates to data set fields.
ID | Name | Type | Description |
1066 | Edge IP | String | The IP address of the edge server that served the response to the client. This is useful when resolving issues with your account representative. |
2019 | Cacheable | String | Returns 1 if the object is cacheable based on response headers and metadata, 0 if the object is not cacheable. |
2023 | File size bucket | String | This field groups the response content into different buckets by size in kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes. |
2024 | Edge attempts | Number | The number of attempts to download the content from the edge in a specific time interval, based on the number of total manifest requests received. |
2052 | Server country/region | String | The ISO 3166 code of the country or region from where the request was served. |
2053 | Billing region | String | The Akamai geographical price zone from where the request was served. |
2060 | Brotli status | String | This field reports the status when serving a Brotli-compressed object. This field is available only for Ion Standard, Ion Premier and Ion Media Advanced products. For more information, see Brotli status. |
2061 | Origin content-length | integer | The compressible content-length object value in bytes in the response header from the origin. This field is available only for Ion Standard, Ion Premier and Ion Media Advanced products. |
2080 | CMCD | string | Returns a Common Media Client Data (CMCD) payload with detailed data on media traffic. This field is available only for the Adaptive Media Delivery product. For more information, see CMCD. |
Update your configuration
Use the attribute change table to adjust your configuration settings.
Activation history
The required stream_id
argument for the activation history data source did not change, but each of the attributes names have.
v1 | v2 |
activations TypeSet | activations TypeList |
created_by | modified_by |
created_date | modified_date |
is_active | status |
stream_version_id | stream_version |
Data set fields
The optional argument for the data set fields data source name changed and is now product focused. Of all the v1 attributes, only one changed name.
Type | v1 | v2 |
Argument | template_name | product_id , possible values are:
Attribute | dataset_group_name | dataset_field_group |
Data streams
The optional group_id
argument for the data streams data source did not change, but several of the attributes names have and a few were removed.
v1 | v2 |
streams | stream_details |
stream_version_id | stream_version |
current_version_id | latest_version |
group_id TypeString | group_id TypeInt, returns without the grp_ prefix |
activation_status | stream_status |
group_name | Removed |
stream_type_name | Removed |
archived | Removed |
errors | Removed |
connectors | Removed |
Data stream
Both arguments and attributes for the data stream resource have changes.
Type | v1 | v2 |
Argument | config | delivery_configuration |
delimiter | field_delimiter | |
time_in_sec | interval_in_secs | |
dataset_fields_ids | dataset_fields | |
email_ids | notification_emails | |
property_ids | properties | |
template_name | Removed | |
Not available | collect_midgress | |
Attribute | stream_version_id | stream_version |
current_version_id | latest_version | |
property_ids | properties | |
dataset_fields_ids | dataset_fields | |
config | delivery_configuration | |
Not available | stream_status | |
template_name | Removed | |
stream_type | Removed | |
product_name | Removed |
Updated over 1 year ago