- Property Manager name: Set Variable
- Behavior version: The
rule format supports theset_variable
behavior v1.5. - Rule format status: GA, stable
- Access: Read/Write
- Allowed in includes: Yes
Modify a variable to insert into subsequent fields within the rule tree. Use this behavior to specify the predeclared variable_name
and determine from where to derive its new value. Based on this value_source
, you can either generate the value, extract it from some part of the incoming request, assign it from another variable (including a set of built-in system variables), or directly specify its text. Optionally choose a transform
function to modify the value once. See Support for variables for more information.
Option | Type | Description | Requires | |
variable_name | string (variable name) | Specifies the predeclared root name of the variable to modify. When you declare a variable name such as | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} | |
value_source | enum | Determines how you want to set the value. | {"displayType":"enum","options":["EXPRESSION","EXTRACT","GENERATE"],"tag":"select"} | |
EXPRESSION | Specify your own string expression. | |||
EXTRACT | Extract it from another value. | |||
GENERATE | Generate the value. | |||
variable_value | string (allows variables) | This directly specifies the value to assign to the variable. The expression may include a mix of static text and other variables, such as | value_source is EXPRESSION | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"valueSource","op":"eq","value":"EXPRESSION"}} |
extract_location | enum | This specifies from where to get the value. | value_source is EXTRACT | {"displayType":"enum","options":["CLIENT_CERTIFICATE","CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER","COOKIE","EDGESCAPE","PATH_COMPONENT_OFFSET","QUERY_STRING","DEVICE_PROFILE","RESPONSE_HEADER","SET_COOKIE"],"tag":"select"} {"if":{"attribute":"valueSource","op":"eq","value":"EXTRACT"}} |
CLIENT_CERTIFICATE | Client certificate. | |||
CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER | Client request header. | |||
COOKIE | Cookie. | |||
EDGESCAPE | For location or network data. | |||
PATH_COMPONENT_OFFSET | Substring within the URL path. | |||
QUERY_STRING | A query parameter. | |||
DEVICE_PROFILE | For client device attributes. | |||
RESPONSE_HEADER | A response header. | |||
SET_COOKIE | Cookie. | |||
certificate_field_name | enum | Specifies the certificate's content. | extract_location is CLIENT_CERTIFICATE | {"displayType":"enum","options":["VERSION","SERIAL","FINGERPRINT_MD5","FINGERPRINT_SHA1","FINGERPRINT_DYN","ISSUER_DN","SUBJECT_DN","NOT_BEFORE","NOT_AFTER","SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM","SIGNATURE","CONTENTS_DER","CONTENTS_PEM","CONTENTS_PEM_NO_LABELS","COUNT","STATUS_MSG","KEY_LENGTH"],"tag":"select"} {"if":{"attribute":"extractLocation","op":"eq","value":"CLIENT_CERTIFICATE"}} |
VERSION | The certificate's X509 version number. | |||
SERIAL | The serial number, expressed in hex. | |||
FINGERPRINT_MD5 | The hex-encoded MD5 fingerprint. | |||
FINGERPRINT_SHA1 | The hex-encoded SHA1 fingerprint. | |||
FINGERPRINT_DYN | The hex-encoded fingerprint generated based on the | |||
ISSUER_DN | The distinguished name field for the certificate's issuer. | |||
SUBJECT_DN | The distinguished name field for the user. | |||
NOT_BEFORE | The start of the time range, expressed in | |||
NOT_AFTER | The end of the time range, expressed in | |||
SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM | The algorithm used to generate the certificate's signature. | |||
SIGNATURE | The certificate's signature, expressed in hex. | |||
CONTENTS_DER | The entire DER-encoded certificate, expressed in hex. | |||
CONTENTS_PEM | The PEM-formatted certificate encoded as a single line of base64 characters. | |||
COUNT | The number of client certificates received. | |||
STATUS_MSG | A short message indicating the status of a certificate's validation, such as | |||
KEY_LENGTH | The size of the key in bits. | |||
header_name | string | Specifies the case-insensitive name of the HTTP header to extract. | extract_location is CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"extractLocation","op":"eq","value":"CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER"}} |
response_header_name | string | Specifies the case-insensitive name of the HTTP header to extract. | extract_location is RESPONSE_HEADER | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"extractLocation","op":"eq","value":"RESPONSE_HEADER"}} |
set_cookie_name | string | Specifies the name of the origin's | extract_location is SET_COOKIE | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"extractLocation","op":"eq","value":"SET_COOKIE"}} |
cookie_name | string | Specifies the name of the cookie to extract. | extract_location is COOKIE | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"extractLocation","op":"eq","value":"COOKIE"}} |
location_id | enum | Specifies the | extract_location is EDGESCAPE | {"displayType":"enum","options":["GEOREGION","COUNTRY_CODE","REGION_CODE","CITY","DMA","PMSA","MSA","AREACODE","COUNTY","FIPS","LAT","LONG","TIMEZONE","ZIP","CONTINENT","NETWORK","NETWORK_TYPE","ASNUM","THROUGHPUT","BW"],"tag":"select"} {"if":{"attribute":"extractLocation","op":"eq","value":"EDGESCAPE"}} |
GEOREGION | Region. | |||
COUNTRY_CODE | ISO-3166 country code. | |||
REGION_CODE | ISO-3166 region code. | |||
CITY | City. | |||
DMA | Designated Market Area. | |||
PMSA | Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area. | |||
MSA | Metropolitan Statistical Area. | |||
AREACODE | Area code. | |||
COUNTY | County. | |||
FIPS | Federal Information Processing System code. | |||
LAT | Latitude. | |||
LONG | Longitude. | |||
TIMEZONE | Time zone. | |||
ZIP | Zip code. | |||
CONTINENT | Two-letter continent code. | |||
NETWORK | Network name. | |||
NETWORK_TYPE | Network type. | |||
ASNUM | Autonomous System Number. | |||
THROUGHPUT | Tiered throughput level. | |||
BW | Tiered bandwidth level. | |||
path_component_offset | string | This specifies a portion of the path. The indexing starts from | extract_location is PATH_COMPONENT_OFFSET | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"extractLocation","op":"eq","value":"PATH_COMPONENT_OFFSET"}} |
query_parameter_name | string | Specifies the name of the query parameter from which to extract the value. | extract_location is QUERY_STRING | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"extractLocation","op":"eq","value":"QUERY_STRING"}} |
generator | enum | This specifies the type of value to generate. | value_source is GENERATE | {"displayType":"enum","options":["HEXRAND","RAND"],"tag":"select"} {"if":{"attribute":"valueSource","op":"eq","value":"GENERATE"}} |
HEXRAND | A random hex sequence. | |||
RAND | A random number. | |||
number_of_bytes | number (1-16) | Specifies the number of random hex bytes to generate. | generator is HEXRAND | {"displayType":"number","max":[16],"min":[1],"tag":"input","type":"range"} {"if":{"attribute":"generator","op":"eq","value":"HEXRAND"}} |
min_random_number | string (allows variables) | Specifies the lower bound of the random number. | generator is RAND | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"generator","op":"eq","value":"RAND"}} |
max_random_number | string (allows variables) | Specifies the upper bound of the random number. | generator is RAND | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"generator","op":"eq","value":"RAND"}} |
NONE | No transformation. | |||
ADD | Arithmetic function. | |||
BASE_64_DECODE | String encoding. | |||
BASE_64_ENCODE | String encoding. | |||
BITWISE_AND | Bitwise operation. | |||
BITWISE_NOT | Bitwise operation. | |||
BITWISE_OR | Bitwise operation. | |||
BITWISE_XOR | Bitwise operation. | |||
DECIMAL_TO_HEX | Numeric conversion. | |||
DECRYPT | String encoding. | |||
DIVIDE | Arithmetic function. | |||
ENCRYPT | String encoding. | |||
EPOCH_TO_STRING | Time format. | |||
EXTRACT_PARAM | String format. | |||
HASH | Integer data digest. | |||
HEX_TO_DECIMAL | Numeric conversion. | |||
HEX_DECODE | String conversion. | |||
HEX_ENCODE | String conversion. | |||
HMAC | Data digest. | |||
LOWER | String function. | |||
MD5 | Data digest. | |||
MINUS | Arithmetic function, reverse sign. | |||
MODULO | Arithmetic function, get remainder. | |||
MULTIPLY | Arithmetic function. | |||
NORMALIZE_PATH_WIN | Convert Windows paths to Unix format and remove relative path syntax. | |||
REMOVE_WHITESPACE | String conversion. | |||
SHA_1 | Data digest. | |||
SHA_256 | Data digest. | |||
STRING_INDEX | String function: locate substring. | |||
STRING_LENGTH | String function. | |||
STRING_TO_EPOCH | Time format. | |||
SUBSTITUTE | String function. | |||
SUBSTRING | String function: locate index. | |||
SUBTRACT | Arithmetic function. | |||
TRIM | Trim surrounding whitespace in string. | |||
UPPER | String function. | |||
URL_DECODE | String conversion. | |||
URL_ENCODE | Unicode string conversion. | |||
URL_DECODE_UNI | String conversion. | |||
UTC_SECONDS | Time format. | |||
XML_DECODE | String conversion. | |||
XML_ENCODE | String conversion. | |||
operand_one | string (allows variables) | Specifies an additional operand when the | transform is either: ADD , BITWISE_AND , BITWISE_OR , BITWISE_XOR , DIVIDE , MODULO , MULTIPLY , SUBTRACT | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"in","value":["ADD","BITWISE_AND","BITWISE_OR","BITWISE_XOR","DIVIDE","MODULO","MULTIPLY","SUBTRACT"]}} |
algorithm | enum | Specifies the algorithm to apply. | transform is either: ENCRYPT , DECRYPT | {"displayType":"enum","options":["ALG_3DES","ALG_AES128","ALG_AES256"],"tag":"select"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"in","value":["ENCRYPT","DECRYPT"]}} |
ALG_3DES | Triple DES. | |||
ALG_AES128 | Advanced Encryption Standard, 128 bits. | |||
ALG_AES256 | Advanced Encryption Standard, 256 bits. | |||
encryption_key | string (allows variables) | Specifies the encryption hex key. For | transform is either: ENCRYPT , DECRYPT | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"in","value":["ENCRYPT","DECRYPT"]}} |
initialization_vector | string | Specifies a one-time number as an initialization vector. It needs to be 15 characters long for | transform is either: ENCRYPT , DECRYPT | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"in","value":["ENCRYPT","DECRYPT"]}} |
encryption_mode | enum | Specifies the encryption mode. | transform is either: ENCRYPT , DECRYPT | {"displayType":"enum","options":["CBC","ECB"],"tag":"select"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"in","value":["ENCRYPT","DECRYPT"]}} |
CBC | Cipher Block Chaining. | |||
ECB | Electronic Codebook. | |||
nonce | string (allows variables) | Specifies the one-time number used for encryption. | transform is either: ENCRYPT , DECRYPT | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"in","value":["ENCRYPT","DECRYPT"]}} |
prepend_bytes | boolean | Specifies a number of random bytes to prepend to the key. | transform is either: ENCRYPT , DECRYPT | {"displayType":"boolean","tag":"input","type":"checkbox"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"in","value":["ENCRYPT","DECRYPT"]}} |
format_string | string | Specifies an optional format string for the conversion, using format codes such as | transform is either: EPOCH_TO_STRING , STRING_TO_EPOCH | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"in","value":["EPOCH_TO_STRING","STRING_TO_EPOCH"]}} |
param_name | string (allows variables) | Extracts the value for the specified parameter name from a string that contains key/value pairs. (Use | transform is EXTRACT_PARAM | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"eq","value":"EXTRACT_PARAM"}} |
separator | string | Specifies the character that separates pairs of values within the string. | transform is EXTRACT_PARAM | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"eq","value":"EXTRACT_PARAM"}} |
min | number | Specifies a minimum value for the generated integer. | transform is HASH | {"displayType":"number","tag":"input","type":"number"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"eq","value":"HASH"}} |
max | number | Specifies a maximum value for the generated integer. | transform is HASH | {"displayType":"number","tag":"input","type":"number"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"eq","value":"HASH"}} |
hmac_key | string (allows variables) | Specifies the secret to use in generating the base64-encoded digest. | transform is HMAC | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"eq","value":"HMAC"}} |
hmac_algorithm | enum | Specifies the algorithm to use to generate the base64-encoded digest. | transform is HMAC | {"displayType":"enum","options":["SHA1","SHA256","MD5"],"tag":"select"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"eq","value":"HMAC"}} |
SHA1 | SHA-1. | |||
SHA256 | SHA-256. | |||
MD5 | MD5. | |||
ip_version | enum | Specifies the IP version under which a subnet mask generates. | transform is NETMASK | {"displayType":"enum","options":["IPV4","IPV6"],"tag":"select"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"eq","value":"NETMASK"}} |
IPV4 | Use IPv4. | |||
IPV6 | Use IPv6. | |||
ipv6Prefix | number (0-128) | Specifies the prefix of the IPV6 address, a value between 0 and 128. | ip_version is IPV6 | {"displayType":"number","max":[128],"min":[0],"tag":"input","type":"range"} {"if":{"attribute":"ipVersion","op":"eq","value":"IPV6"}} |
ipv4Prefix | number (0-32) | Specifies the prefix of the IPV4 address, a value between 0 and 32. | ip_version is IPV4 | {"displayType":"number","max":[32],"min":[0],"tag":"input","type":"range"} {"if":{"attribute":"ipVersion","op":"eq","value":"IPV4"}} |
sub_string | string (allows variables) | Specifies a substring for which the returned value represents a zero-based offset of where it appears in the original string, or | transform is STRING_INDEX | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"eq","value":"STRING_INDEX"}} |
regex | string | Specifies the regular expression pattern (PCRE) to match the value. | transform is SUBSTITUTE | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"eq","value":"SUBSTITUTE"}} |
replacement | string (allows variables) | Specifies the replacement string. Reinsert grouped items from the match into the replacement using | transform is SUBSTITUTE | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"eq","value":"SUBSTITUTE"}} |
case_sensitive | boolean | Enabling this makes all matches case sensitive. | transform is either: EXTRACT_PARAM , SUBSTITUTE | {"displayType":"boolean","tag":"input","type":"checkbox"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"in","value":["EXTRACT_PARAM","SUBSTITUTE"]}} |
global_substitution | boolean | Replaces all matches in the string, not just the first. | transform is SUBSTITUTE | {"displayType":"boolean","tag":"input","type":"checkbox"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"eq","value":"SUBSTITUTE"}} |
start_index | string | Specifies the zero-based character offset at the start of the substring. Negative indexes specify the offset from the end of the string. | transform is SUBSTRING | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"eq","value":"SUBSTRING"}} |
end_index | string | Specifies the zero-based character offset at the end of the substring, without including the character at that index position. Negative indexes specify the offset from the end of the string. | transform is SUBSTRING | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"eq","value":"SUBSTRING"}} |
except_chars | string | Specifies characters not to encode, possibly overriding the default set. | transform is URL_ENCODE | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"eq","value":"URL_ENCODE"}} |
force_chars | string | Specifies characters to encode, possibly overriding the default set. | transform is URL_ENCODE | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"transform","op":"eq","value":"URL_ENCODE"}} |
device_profile | enum | Specifies the client device attribute. Possible values specify information about the client device, including device type, size and browser. For details on fields, see Device Characterization. | extract_location is DEVICE_PROFILE | {"displayType":"enum","options":["IS_MOBILE","IS_TABLET","IS_WIRELESS_DEVICE","PHYSICAL_SCREEN_HEIGHT","PHYSICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH","RESOLUTION_HEIGHT","RESOLUTION_WIDTH","VIEWPORT_WIDTH","BRAND_NAME","DEVICE_OS","DEVICE_OS_VERSION","DUAL_ORIENTATION","MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT","MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH","MOBILE_BROWSER","MOBILE_BROWSER_VERSION","PDF_SUPPORT","COOKIE_SUPPORT"],"tag":"select"} {"if":{"attribute":"extractLocation","op":"eq","value":"DEVICE_PROFILE"}} |
IS_MOBILE | Basic device attributes, boolean. | |||
IS_TABLET | Basic device attributes, boolean. | |||
IS_WIRELESS_DEVICE | Basic device attributes, boolean. | |||
PHYSICAL_SCREEN_HEIGHT | Device screen size in millimeters. | |||
PHYSICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH | Device screen size in millimeters. | |||
RESOLUTION_HEIGHT | Device screen size in pixels. | |||
RESOLUTION_WIDTH | Device screen size in pixels. | |||
VIEWPORT_WIDTH | Device viewport size in millimeters. | |||
BRAND_NAME | Basic device attributes, string values. | |||
DEVICE_OS | Basic device attributes, string values. | |||
DEVICE_OS_VERSION | Basic device attributes, string values. | |||
DUAL_ORIENTATION | Whether the display adapts to portrait/landscape orientation. | |||
MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT | Maximum image size that can be displayed, in pixels. | |||
MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH | Maximum image size that can be displayed, in pixels. | |||
MOBILE_BROWSER | Basic device attributes, string values. | |||
MOBILE_BROWSER_VERSION | Basic device attributes, string values. | |||
PDF_SUPPORT | Device support capabilities, boolean. | |||
COOKIE_SUPPORT | Device support capabilities, boolean. |