

  • Property Manager name: Scheduled Invalidation
  • Behavior version: The v2023-01-05 rule format supports the schedule_​invalidation behavior v1.2.
  • Rule format status: GA, stable
  • Access: Read/Write
  • Allowed in includes: Yes

Specifies when cached content that satisfies a rule's criteria expires, optionally at repeating intervals. In addition to periodic cache flushes, you can use this behavior to minimize potential conflicts when related objects expire at different times.

Warning. scheduled invalidations can significantly increase origin servers' load when matching content expires simultaneously across all edge servers. As best practice, schedule expirations during periods of lowest traffic.

startstring (timestamp)

The UTC date and time when matching cached content is to expire.


When enabled, invalidation recurs periodically from the start time based on the repeat_​interval time.

repeat_​intervalstring (duration)

Specifies how often to invalidate content from the start time, expressed in seconds. For example, an expiration set to midnight and an interval of 86400 seconds invalidates content once a day. Repeating intervals of less than 5 minutes are not allowed for Net​Storage origins.

repeat is true

Specifies how to invalidate the content.


Sends an If-Modified-Since request to the origin, re-caching the content only if it is fresher.


Re-caches content regardless of its freshness, potentially creating more traffic at the origin.